Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Happy Birthday to Splinterlands EN/JP

in Splinterlands23 days ago

Discovering Splinterlands

I first encountered Splinterlands on a Japanese site dedicated to game strategies. Being new to blockchain gaming, I found it incredibly intriguing. Additionally, I already enjoyed collecting cards in reality, so I smoothly embraced the game’s world. I vividly remember the excitement I felt when I first logged in and the awe at the game's depth.

Duration of Participation

I joined Splinterlands about two and a half years ago. I suppose that makes me somewhat of a veteran now.

Time Spent on Splinterlands

During the weekends, I dedicate a considerable amount of time to participate in tournaments, while on weekdays, I stick to ranked battles. I balance this with other hobbies and work, managing my time efficiently to ensure it doesn’t interfere with my daily life.


My notable achievement has been reaching the Champion League. It's mainly been a result of daily efforts and reinvesting rewards to significantly strengthen my capabilities.

Future Goals

Moving forward, I aim to refine my strategies and reach new heights. I plan to collect legendary cards to diversify my deck and broaden my tactical options, while also progressing with land investments.

Advice for Beginners

For those new to Splinterlands, understanding the basic rules and characteristics of each card is crucial. It might be overwhelming at first, but it’s important to enjoy the process and build on small successes. I also recommend actively participating in the community and learning from experienced players. I contribute to the Weekly Battle Mage articles, which not only offer rewards but also serve as an opportunity to reassess your strategies. Once you're comfortable, I suggest giving it a try.












スプリンターランドを始めたばかりの方には、まず基本的なルールと各カードの特性を理解することが重要です。初めは圧倒されるかもしれませんが、小さな成功を積み重ねながら楽しむことが大切です。また、コミュニティに積極的に参加し、経験豊富なプレイヤーから学ぶ機会を持つこともお勧めします。私もWeekly Battle Mageの記事を投稿しておりますが、報酬をもらいながら自分の戦略を見直すきっかけにもなるため、慣れてきたら挑戦してみることをお勧めします。

Posted using Splintertalk


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Thanks for sharing! - @underlock