Hello everyone!
I will share my battle experience with you. Today, I played some Battles on Splinterlands game and will share an experience of my battle.
First of all, As I have already told you earlier that You can click on Battle and then You will be given a specified Mana from which you have to create a team and then attack on the opponent.
Today, I have given a Mana of 24 and I have to create a team. So, I selected "Death" power and then created my team.
I have selected only 4 cards in my team. I have selected powerful cards.
These cards were "CURSED WINDEKU" which is of "8 Mana" and has a ability to thorn. When it is being hit by melee, then It also give damage to the attacker.
My second card was "Parasitic Growth". It is a powerful card of only "4 Mana". My third card was "Eleven Defender". It is a card of "8 Mana" and It is a powerful card as It can give damage of 2 in one Attack to enemy.
My fourth card was "Undead Badger". It is also a good card in a team as It is a low Mana card and can provide strength to the team.
After playing around 8 Rounds in that Battle, I finally won that battle.
There were 8 rounds in that Battle and I am providing all these images of all rounds.
So, It was my experience in playing this battle and I really feel enjoyed in playing this game. I wilk continue playing this game and will share more information to you all later.
Direct link of this battle-
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121