Town Hall Summary in short : Splinterlands

in Splinterlands6 months ago

  • Release Date: The Rebellion set launches on Tuesday, December 5th.
    Game Features: Players can open packs and utilize the new Rebellion cards immediately.
    Format Change: Modern Format undergoes a cycle. Untamed and its subsets (Dice, Untamed Era Reward cards) transition from Modern to Wild. Modern will now include Rebellion and Chaos Legion edition card sets.
    New Monster Abilities: Introduction of five new monster abilities - Armored Strike, Corrosive Ward, Flank, Lookout, and Ambush - expanding strategic options within the game.
    Tactics Phase Enhancement: A new tactics phase is introduced, enabling Summoner abilities that impact monsters after Team Selection, offering a new layer of gameplay strategy.
    Dual Element Summoners: Addition of Summoners allowing for dual-element monster selection, potentially diversifying gameplay and tactics.


  • Estimated Production Points: Addition of Estimated Production Points to the Stats tabs for cards, aiding in resource management and planning.

  • Total Boost Enhancements: Inclusion of Magical & Occupied Total Boost bonuses in the tool tip for Total Boosts on the Deed Overview display, enhancing clarity and information accessibility.
    Total Boost Fix: Rectification of Total Boost not updating on the Worksite Management display when making a boost change without adjusting workers, ensuring accurate data representation.
    Region Overview Update: Improvement in the Legend on the Region overview, displaying All plot data when the All plots display is selected, avoiding the previous limitation of showing only Owned plots.
    Production Overview Addition: Inclusion of Grain Consumed Per Hour on the Production Overview display, providing a comprehensive view of resource utilization.
    Typo Correction: Fixing a typo on the grain received notification, ensuring accuracy and clarity in in-game communications.

  • Rebellion Release: Launching on Tuesday, December 5th at 12pm EST in Discord.

  • Changes Post Testing: Adjustments made based on Mav's testing, including pulling back on weapons training and ongoing minor implementations.

  • Future Plans: Introducing 3 Mana Dual Element Summoners and planning new rulesets.

  • Game Design Focus: Ensuring older cards remain relevant on land, ready to adjust for balancing issues, and addressing conflicts.

  • Conflict Discussion: Cryptomancer scheduled for the next Monday to discuss conflicts, aiming for player-driven pack purchases and using cards for airdrop participation.

  • Tactics Development: Introducing a 2nd battle step focusing on applying battlefield knowledge, previewing future Items and Spells cards, offering more player agency, and hinting at upcoming developments.

Land 2.0 White Paper: Part 1 released, introducing a free market system emphasizing the need to focus due to limited capabilities.
Economic Strategy: Emphasis on following the economy and making informed choices within the game.

Other Updates: Upcoming 2024 Roadmap announcement, along with plans for marketing and enhancing the new player experience.


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