A Martyr Approach on Preventing the Opponent's Opportunity to WIn

in Splinterlands5 months ago (edited)

Equal Opportunity 1.png


Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Equal Opportunity. This is a ruleset that gives the Opportunity ability on all monsters.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from @bltzr-wizard-726 which is the scholar account I'm playing from Balthazar Guild in partnership with Side Door Ventures and was currently playing on Champion League of the Modern format with the new ranked reward overhaul but before I reveal the battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.


Equal Opportunity

Rule Set Icon
Equal Opportunity
All Monsters have the opportunity.png Opportunity ability.

Speed and HP are the usual trick when Equal Opportunity was an active ruleset. Higher speed will let you target enemy's low HP monster first, opening the way for your slower monsters to deal damage to higher HP enemy monsters.

Another trick I can share is by using Taunt ability which forces the opponent monsters to attack only the monster with this ability, saving your low HP monsters from being attacked. Here are some monsters with the Taunt ability.

Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup




04- Modern Champ.png
Champion League
Modern Format
56 Mana Cap
Available Elements:5-Life.png Life, 4-Death.png Death
Are You Not Entertained Yet?
One additional Gladiator card may be used in battles.
Fire & Regret
All monsters have the return fire.png Return Fire ability.
Equal Opportunity
All Monsters have the opportunity.png Opportunity ability.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


For this battle, there's a 56 mana- cap that we can use where the active rulesets were Are You Not Entertained Yet, Fire and Regret and Equal Opportunity which is this weeks featured ruleset. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

Summoner: Grandmaster Rathe - As a summoner, this card gives +1 armor to increase the defense of my team together with Void Armor that prevents magic attacks to penetrate my monsters armor and Amplify which increases reflected damage by +1.

  • 1st Position: Drybone Barbarian - Was a decent tank with good amount of health along with its huge damage output which can get stronger when it gets Enrage where its speed and damage increases when it recieves damage and can inflict double its original damage to stunned opponents with its Knockout ability. Furthermore, it has a chance to attack back when it was attack by a melee monster with its Retaliate.

  • 2nd Position: Captain Katie As one of the Gladius card, it has the Bloodlust ability which increases all of its stats when it defeats an opponent and at the same time, it has Snipe which allows it to target the closest non-melee monster that was closest in the first position.

  • 33d Position: Iziar - One of those cards with the Taunt ability that forces monsters to attack this card and at the same time it has Void which reduces the damage that it gets from magic attacks while when it was defeated, the Martyr ability will allow for it to increase all the stats of the monsters that were adjacent to it.

  • 4th Position: Jared Scar - One of the few non- Gladius card that has the Bloodlust ability that combined with True Strike that makes it never miss its target and Piercing that deals the excess damage to the opponents health, a very powerful card specially when played on Equal opportunity.

  • 5th Position: Adelade Brightwing - It has Flying which increases its chance to avoid melee and range attacks by 25% while at the same time, it has Repair that can restore the armor of an ally monster and Swiftness which increases the speed of all ally monsters. It can also revive one ally monsters once with Resurrect and has Immunity for all negative status abilities.

  • 6th Position: Djinn Renova - Increases the health of all ally monsters with Strengthen and can restore the health of a backline monsters with Triage.

Revealing the Battle


1-11/32- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams

Round 1:


12/32 Coeurl Lurker removes the armor of Iziar.

13-14/32 Inevitable removes the armor of Drybone Barbarian.

15/32 The opponents Djinn Renova deals 2 damage on Iziar.

16/32 Drybone Barbarian deals 3 armor damage to Inevitable.

17/32 Chaos Knight deals 8 damage to Iziar.

18-21/32 My Djinn Renova restores the health of Iziar and was able to deal 4 damage to Coeurl Lurker followed by another 3 damage from Captain Katie.

22-24/32 The opponent Jared Scar and Adelade Brightwing deals 9 damage to Iziar and was able to repair the armor of Inevitable.

25-32/32 Jared Scar defeats Coeurl Lurker which activates its Bloodlust, gaining a stat boost but it also received Thorns damage which consumes 2 armor. It was revived by thier Adelade Brightwing but my Adelade Brightwing defeats it once again.

Round 2:


1-3/25 Inevitable deals 6 damage to Drybone Barbarian which activates its Enrage and while on it, it also Retaliates which removes the armor of the opponent which allows it to deal 5 damage from its attack..

4-9/25 Djinn Renova defeats Iziar which activates its Martyr, increasing the stats for Jared Scar and Captain Katie before it was revived by Adelade Brightwing.

10-14/25 The combined attack of Captain Katie and Jared Scar defeated Adelade Brightwing which once again increases the stats of Jared Scar.

15-16/25 Djinn Renova restores the health of Iziar before if inflicts 4 damage to the opponents Jared Scar.

17-23/25 Chaos Knight and Jared Scar defeats Iziar which once again activates the Martyr and increase the stats of my Captain Katie and Jared Scar but this also activates the Bloodlust of the opponent so it also gains stat boost.

24-25/25 Adelade Brightwing restores the armor of Drybone Raider and deals 2 damage to Jared Scar.

Round 3:


1/15 Drybone Barbarian deals 5 damage to Inevitable.

2-4/15 My Jared Scar defeats the opponent Jared Scar which increase its stats once again from Bloodlust.

5/15 Captain Katie deals 5 damage on Djinn Renova.

6-8/15 Inevitable removes the armor of Drybone Barbarian as it restores the health of Djinn Renova but it Retaliates for another 5 damage.

9-10/15 Djinn Renova restores its health and removes the armor of Adelade Brightwing.

11-12/15 My Djinn Renova defeats Inevitable.

13/15 Chaos Knight deals 4 damage to Adelade Brightwing.

14-15/15 Adelade Brightwing restores the armor of Drybone Barbarian and deals 2 damage to Chaos Knight.

Round 4 and 5:


1/11 Jared Scar removes the armor of Chaos Knight.

2/11 Drybone Raider removes the armor of Djinn Renova.

3/11 Captain Katie deals 5 damage to Chaos Knight.

4-5/11 Djinn Renova restores the health of Chaos Knight as it removes the armor of Drybone Barbarian.

6-9/11 My Djinn Renova restores the health of Adelade Brightwing and defeats Chaos Knight.

4-5/11 Adelade Brightwing restores the armor of Drybone Barbarian as it deals 2 damage to Djinn Renova.


On round 5, with more than enough damage on its arsenal, Jared Scar defeats Djinn Renova which once again increases its stats due to Bloodlust as well as ending the battle on my victory.

Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

Did My Strategy Work?

One way to protect your low health monsters when Equal Opportunity was part of the active ruleset was by using Taunt ability which shifts the focus of attacks to that monster which by this case was Iziar that also happens to have the Martyr ability so not only it protects my monsters but also makes my monsters to become stronger once its finally defeated making it easier to defeat the remaining monsters of the opponent.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

Previous Battles

To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

Wise use of martyr ability in this regard of the battle! I will probably give it a try in my next match, if I get to come with the same rule set!