Five Alive and Flawless "V"ictory

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Five Alive 2.png


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

This will be my second entry for this weeks Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Five Alive. This is a ruleset allows the use of up to five monsters in battle.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from @bltzr-wizard-726 which is the scholar account I'm playing from Balthazar Guild in partnership with Side Door Ventures and was currently playing on Champion League of the Modern format but before I reveal the battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.


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Five Alive

Rule Set Icon
Five Alive
Up to five Units can be used in the battle.

Basically, this ruleset was similar to Fab Four but with a more monster to be used and on Standard ruleset with one less monster useable but both players gains no specific advantage nor disadvantage with this ruleset.

Five Alive.png

Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup




04- Modern Champ.png
Champion League
Modern Format
15 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 02-Water.png Water, 4-Death.png Death, 3-Earth.png Earth, 5-Life.png Life
Five Alive
Up to five Units can be used in the battle.
The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.
All monsters have the fury.png Fury ability.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


This battle has a 15 mana cap to use for cards where the active rulesets were Equal Opportunity, Ferocity and the featured ruleset for this week which was Five Alive. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

Summoner: Kelya Frendul - Aside from being a low mana cost summoner, this also increases the speed and armor of all my ally monsters by +1.

  • 1st Position: Pelacor Bandit - For a low mana cost of 3, it has 4 damage and 6 speed with Flying to increase its chance to evade melee and range by 25% so together with its health that would increase because of Equalizer, it becomes a powerful tank.

  • 2nd Position: Tide Biter Another 3- mana melee card that comes with Reach, allowing it to attack at second position and have no chance to miss because it has True Strike. It also has Reflection Shield which makes it immune on reflected and blast damage.

  • 33d Position: Merdaali Guardian - A non-damage monster which have the Tank Heal ability which restores the health of the tank monsters and Strengthen to add +1 hit points to all ally monsters. It also has Repair which restores the armor of an ally monster.

  • 4th Position: Igor Darkspear - This was a 2- mana range monster with 3 damage and has the Stun ability which makes the target unable to attack for a turn.

  • 5th Position: Torrent Fiend - A 0- cost card with the Headwinds ability that reduces the range damage of the opponent.

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Revealing the Battle


1-10/22- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams.

Round 1 and 2:


11-14/22 Nimbledook Scout removes the armor of Pelacor Bandit and deals 2 damage on it.

15/22 Pelacor Bandit deals 3 damage on Croire.

16-17/22 Croire use Heal to restore its health.

18/22 Tide Biter deals 2 damage on Croire.

19-20/22 Merdaali Guardian restores the health and armor of Pelacor Bandit.

21/22 Moxian Rebel deals 2 damage on Pelacor Bandit.

22/22 Igor Darkspear deals 3 damage on Croire.


Round 2 was very much the same as with round 1 aside from Croire which only have 1 health left and was stunned by Igor Darkspear.

Round 3:


1-3/10 Nimbledook Scout deals 2 damage on Pelacor Bandit.

4-5/10 Pelacor Bandit defeats Croire.

6/10 Tide Biter deals 2 damage on Nimbledook Scout.

7/10 Merdaali Guardian restores the health of Pelcaor Bandit.

8/10 Moxian Rebel deals 2 damage on Pelacor Bandit.

9-10/23 Igor Darkspear recieves 2 armor damage due to Backfire when it miss its attack on Nimbledook Scout.

Round 4:


1-4/10 Nimbledook Scout removes the armor of Pelacor Bandit and deals 2 damage on it.

5-6/10 Pelacor Bandit and Tide Biter deals 5 damage on Nimbledook Scout.

7-8/10 Medaali Guardian restores the health and armor of Pelacor Bandit.

9/10 Moxian Rebel deals 2 damage on Pelacor Bandit.

10/10 Igor Darkspear deals 3 damage on Nimbledook Scout.

Round 5 and 6:


1-4/12 Nimbledook Scout removes the armor of Pelacor Bandit and deals 2 damage on it.

5-7/12 Pelacor Bandit defeats Nimbledook Scout.

7-8/12 Tide Biter removes the armor of Moxian Rebel.

9-10/12 Medaali Guardian restores the health and armor of Pelacor Bandit.

11/12 Moxian Rebel deals 2 damage on Pelacor Bandit.

12/12 Igor Darkspear deals 3 damage on Moxian Rebel.


Due to being stunned on Level 5, Moxian Rebel was defeated by the combined damage from Pelacor Bandit, Tide Biter and Igor Darkspear while Merdaali Guardian restores the health of Pelacor Bandit.

Round 7:


1-3/4 Pelacor Bandit, Tide Biter and Igor Darkspear deals 8 damage on Fungus Fiend.

4/4 Fungus Fiend removes the armor of Pelacor Bandit.

Round 8 and 9:


1-3/7 Pelacor Bandit defeats Fungus Fiend.

4-7/7 Tide Biter and Igor Darkspear deals 5 damage on Scorch Fiend and afflicted it with Stun while Merdaali Guardian restores the armor of Pelacor Bandit.


And on round 9 we finally defeated Scorch Fiend with full health and full armor and since Scorch Fiend was defeated, the damage of my melee monsters that got reduced due to Demoralize also goes back to normal, giving us the "Flawless Victory" for this battle.

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Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

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Did My Strategy Work?

This time, my battle with Five Alive was not that long compared with my first battle but it was also decently long because of the Equalizer on a small mana battle that increases the health of all monsters. But even with this, I have manage to have maximize the available mana and monster slot to fill as many damage dealers as I can while sneaking a healer and because of the synergy within this monsters, I have ended to finish the battle without losing a monster and taking any damage.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

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Previous Battles

Fab Four.png
Fire & Regret.png
Five Alive.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12