Still Won Despite Getting Knockout

in Splinterlandslast month (edited)

Heavy Hitters 2.png

All battles were played manually and without the use of any Battle Helper.


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

This will be my second entry for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Heavy Hitters. This is a ruleset were all monsters have the Knock Out ability.

The Battle that I will show for this time will come from @bltzr-wizard-726 which is the scholar account I'm playing from Balthazar Guild in partnership with Side Door Ventures and was currently playing on Diamond League of the Modern format.


But before I reveal the battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.

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Heavy Hitters

Rule Set Icon
Heavy Hitters
All Monsters have the knock out.png Knock Out ability.
Use a monster with stun.png Stun ability.
There is a 50% chance that your monster with Stun will be able to stun enemy monsters, but if successful, all your monsters will deal double damage to that stunned opponent.

Some Cards with Stun Ability:

These were the sample of cards that will give the stun to the opponent and when it takes effect, all attacks toward that monster would be doubled.

Heavy Hitters.png

Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup




03- Modern Diamond.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
35 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 3-Earth.png Earth, 4-Death.png Death
Aim True
00-melee.png Melee and 00-ranged.png Range attacks always hit their target.
Explosive Weaponry
All Monsters have the blast.png Blast ability.
Heavy Hitters
All Monsters have the knock out.png Knock Out ability.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


This battle comes with a 35 mana cap where the active rulesets were Aim True, Explosive Weaponry and the featured ruleset for this week which was Heavy Hitters. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

Summoner: Astral Entity - This summoner gives the Dodge ability which might not be usefull for this battle but it reduces the armor of all opponent by -2 and has the Resurrect ability that allows it to revive one ally monster that was defeated with 1 health.

  • 1st Position: Cursed Windeku - A melee monster with the Thorns ability which deals damage on melee monster that attack it together with Heal which allows it to sustain the damage that it receives and Slow that reduces the speed of all opponent by -1.

  • 2nd Position: Venator Kinjo With Reflection Shield, it has immunity against reflected and indirect damage together with Camouflage which makes it not targetable by direct attacks and Immunity that makes it immune from debuff. It also has Slow which reduces the speed of all opponent monsters by-1.

  • 3rd Position: Supply Runner - This range monster has Swiftness and Strengthen which increases the speed and health of all ally monster by +1.

  • 4th Position: Lira the Dark - Also has Swiftness together with Opportunity which allows it to target the monster with the lowest health and place Snare to remove Flying on monsters.

  • 5th Position: Uraeus - A melee monster that has the Sneak ability which allows it to attack backline monsters and Poison that will cause for the target to lose health each turn.

  • 6th Position: Silent Sha-vi - Another monster with Sneak together with Cripple which reduce the max health of the target and Piercing which inflicts the excess damage on the armor to the target's health.

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Revealing the Battle


1-12/45- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams.

Round 1:


13-17/45 Lira the Dark defeats Corpse Fiend.

18-19/45 My Silent Sha-vi inflicts 4 damage to the opponent Silent Sha-vi.

20-21/45 Supply Runner inflicts 3 damage to Cursed Windeku.

22-25/45 Uraeus defeats Cursed Windeku.

26-28/45 My Cursed Windeku inflicts 4 damage to opponent Cursed Windeku with Blast damage also inflicting 2 damage to Djinn Muirat but at the same time, it receive 2 damage from the opponent Curesed Windeku due to Thorns.

29-39/45 Revealer deals 2 damage on Cursed WIndeku and debuffs it with Stun following an attack from Djinn Muirat and Runi who's attacks were both multiplied due to knockout which defeated it but was revived by Resurrect.

40-45/45 The opponent Cursed Windeku defeats my Cursed Windeku.

Round 2:


1-2/21 Lira the Dark inflicts 4 damage to Cursed Windeku with Blast inflicting 2 damage to Djinn Muirat.

3-5/21 Silent Sha-vi inflicts 4 damage to Runi.

6-9/21 Supply Runner defeats Cursed Windeku with Blast damage inflicting 2 damage to Djinn Muirat.

10-13/21 Uraeus defeats Runi but use Rebirth to self- resurrect.

14-15/21 Venator Kinjo inflicts 1 damage to Djinn Muirat.

16-21/21 Revealer and Djinn Muirat defeats Venator Kinjo.

Round 3 and 4:


1-3/13 Lira the Dark defeats Djinn Muirat.

4-7/13 Uraeus defeats Runi.

8/13 Uraeus inflicts 3 damage to Revealer.

9-13/13 Revealer defeats Supply Runner with Blast inflicting 1 damage to Lira the Dark.


With Revealer the only monster that was left on the opponent team with only 2 health remaining but not fast enough compared to my monsters, just 1 attack from Silent Sha-vi was enough to defeat it and end the battle with my victory.

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Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

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Did My Strategy Work?

Despite the opponent's effort on using Stun to maximize the effects of Knock Out to inflict double damage on the Heavy Hitters ruleset, I was still able to prevail on this battle but increasing my speed by 2 and reducing the opponent speed by 2 which allows me to attack more faster than they were together with Blast which increases the scope of the damage that I can inflict on my opponent monsters.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

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Previous Battles

Going the Distance.png
Healed Out.png
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To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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lol you share same battle as me

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121