3 boy bands of the water element. | Valnamor + Djinn Oshannus + Ruler of the seas

in Splinterlands3 years ago

3 boy bands of the water element. | Valnamor + Djinn Oshannus + Ruler of the seas


Everyone probably has only listened to Boy Brand songs for some time. So I would like to present some boy brands in the game.

This is another time I've been lucky enough to be in the gold rank this season. I don't have much of a budget for renting a card per day. So rented 3 Legend cards for a price that I could use. The 3 cards are Valnamor + Djinn Oshannus + Ruler of the seas.

Valnamor The summoner gains 1 Magic Power, 1 Speed, and 1 Health. He has this ability that only costs 5 Mana. So it's a very cheating and expensive card.

Djinn Oshannus Magic monsters need 8 mana, 2 magic attack power, 10 health, 5 agility, and 1 magic absorption. He can be both front and rear. Strong and durable attacks

Ruler of the seas Red Head Mage 6 Mana 5 Health 3 Mobility 2 Attack and Explosive With the power of Blast, he is very powerful, enemies encountering him will be terrified.

Below are my works. After playing this card set, Brand Boy. I am quite satisfied with the results. which my play is very new If any friend has suggestions You can comment. In order to continue to develop skills. Thank you everyone.

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