Melee And Magic Are Walking Back Home

in Splinterlandslast month

going distance.png


I had an awesome weekend. I recently started playing pokemon go again and it changed a lot in the past few years. Anyways if you play do hit me up. As usual I'm going to be sharing my battle mage secrets. The theme for this week is Going The Distance. For this ruleset, only ranged units can be used.



My Strategy & Tips for Going The Distance

Going the distance has limited strategies. I will just share the main ones. The first one is to reduce the range with units that have headwinds. You want to make sure you do more damage than the opponent.

Another strategy is to return fire. If life is available, you can choose Ilthain and the opponent will pretty much kill themselves since they have to used range.

Personally I have three colors I like to play which are water, life, fire, and death. I like water because they have a lot of fast units with good damage. There's also wavebrood to taunt and return fire at max level. Then for fire I like to play the Jacek, Sinash and Supply Runner lineup. I also like to use Ash Mirage to lower the range damage. Lava launcher is great too at front lining and stunning the opponent. Lastly, I like to play death as well because it has the queen of crows and decent ranged units supporting it. There's one soulbound that gives armor that pairs well with it. For life, I would just use Ilthain and the best ranged units that fit the mana cap.


The Battle

The battle link can be found here. I had this battle on my main account. This battle was in a brawl I played like a few brawls ago. It was like cycle 183 if I'm not wrong. I literally played so many games to try to get one but I couldn't get it so I just found back an old battle. Anyways the ruleset is here going the distance, ferocity and odds one out. Only earth was available with a 23 mana cap.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner , Fernheart - I chose Fernheart because it was the best summoenr choice since it gives close range and one health. I believe i spot rented it otherwise I normally wouldn't use this card.

First Position, Fungus Finger - Fungus Finger was mainly fodder to give martyr to my Gargoya Devil.

Second Position, Gargoya Devil - I chose Gargoya Devil as my main tank. It has armor and it also has flying so it might be able to dodge some attacks.

Third Position, Venari Marksrat - This card was to counter the enemy Gargoya Devil because I was hoping to snare it. It can also help buff my units incase they had scattershot.

Fourth Position, Venari Seedsmith - Venari Seedsmith was going to be my last card to tank for my finisher. This card would gain a lot of health from the scavenge hence why I put it at the fourth position.

Last Position, Cutter Breeze - I chose Cutter Breeze as my last choice. It was super great for this ruleset because it's only one mana. It's probably one of the best 1 mana cards in the game. It has decent damage and amazing speed!


Analysis of The Battle

The battle was super one-sided. I honestly don't know why the opponent used so much of his mana to play two high mana cards instead of spreading it out among lower mana cards. I can see his idea was to heal but I just had too much damage. I assume he had no other summoner to choose because Obsidian is so useless in this ruleset. You can't even use magic. These are one of the no fun rulesets because it's just super restrictive on what cards can be played. I think I came out on top because I had access to more ranged cards at odd mana.


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new! Going the distance is probably one of my least favorite rulesets. It's kind of boring since there isn't many different strategies that can be used. What about you, what do you think of this ruleset?

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If you did use my referral link, feel free to ask me for any help or questions. Thank you!



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Hi, good strategy to place a "martyr" ahead of "Gargoya Devil", nice game.👍👍👍

thank u. u can use this strategy too :3

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121