Thoughts On Latest Town Hall April 25th 2024

in Splinterlands2 months ago

april 25.png


I actually didn't do a social media post for Splinterlands last week. I couldn't find anything else to write about Baron's Bounty that I didn't write in previous weeks so I'm glad it's back to the general topics. Today, I want to cover my thoughts on the most recent townhall on April 25 2024. I know it's a bit late since it's ten days after the townhall. Anyways, I will be merely giving my opinion on some of the changes that I liked or disliked.


Some Notable General Updates

There was a ton of general updates! I think the big one was that

The SPS reward scale has been adjusted to start at 0 for having no SPS staked. Essentially, you will no longer earn any rewards with no SPS staked.

I think this change is huge because there's a lot of bots in wild and they are purely running with starter cards, soulbound and gladius cards. They were able to extract some SPS with no staked SPS I assume hence this change was necessary.

Another notable change was the energy purchase can be done with posting key. I think this is a great change for scholar accounts. The scholar can keep buying more energy to play more games and earn more SPS. I assume this is only for the glintz and not for the other forms of payment.

The last bit of changes I liked was the notifications and the bug fixes with the battle history / team creation. I think the first few days I was having issues loading the page. I would sometimes get disconnected or API locked etc. It was a horrible experience but it's been better these past few days.


Rarity Draws Are Here


Rarity draws were added to the game. Honestly, I don't think it's worth it. You can draw a certain rarity but you only get one copy. For one legendary card, I can have 10 elite draws or 5 master draws. Not only that but if I pulled the card I needed I would have a chance to get multiple copies of it. I think what would be better than the rarity drop is to be able to just straight buy the card that we want with the glintz. This is how Hearthstone does it when they dust their extra cards. I feel Splinterlands should adopt something similar.


Gameplay Updates Oolala

Glint from Ranked battles will be increased 50% across the board. To adjust for this change, the end of season Glint will be reduced to the sum of Glint earned throughout the season, with no multiplier.

Honestly, if I'm not mistaken there's no change in rewards just how it's split up. This didn't really matter in my opinon.

Starter cards will be removed from Wild Ranked play.

Now this is huge. As I mentioned earlier, there's a lot of bots in wild that were playing with no real assets. Honestly, I don't think it will change bot farms too much since it's super cheap to rent the level 1 cards for the starter cards so they will most likely do that and continue their farming.

Super Sneak and Maneuvers rules sets will no longer appear together in the same match.

Super Sneak made maneuvers redundant since sneak supersedes reach. It makes sense that they will no longer be in the same ruleset.

Last Stand will trigger during the Ambush round.

Now this one is interesting. That means Kron with Akane at gold league level can start with last stand in ambush round. I'm not sure how big of a change this is. It probably only happened in a small percentage of battles but I think the change was right to make from a gameplay perspective.


Bots Added To Modern Yikes?

Splinterlands team added 300 bots in Modern. This is to supposedly help match liquidity. I wonder what level of cards these bots have. I can see this being helpful as sometimes I'm waiting quite long for matches. I also believe this will help people with max decks climb out to where they should be.

With this, I feel Splinterlands is holding strong on accepting bots in the ecosystem despite the community not wanting them. It's interesting because we did vote on it before but it never went through since most of the big sps holders want to keep bots. As a botter myself, I think we need to just end bots in Splinterlands. What do you think?


Thank You

Thank you for reading and supporting me. I think things have been slow for Splinterlands. It's definitely not the best of times. I'm saying this based on the cards and tokens going down in value. I even talked to Axlertwinblade recently. He was a SPLTV streamer and he told me that he's in the process of selling out and leaving the game since land would take forever to fully release. He would rather buy equipment and farm crypto for better ROI and I can't blame him. For me, I don't plan on selling anytime soon; I hope we see brighter days ahead and see Splinterlands step it up before more and more people leave Praetoria.

Referral Link
If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referral link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Rarity draws seems really overpriced. Right now I am just using GLINT to buy legendary and golden potions. Because I had not many remaining. After I will have 1000+ of both legendary and golden potions I might buy some draws...

bro why are u buying potions with glints o.o i feel this is not a good idea but thats just me. if u tried using potions ong ladius packs vs non theres like barely any diff haha the double chance is not worth it i think

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