What A Rollercoaster Ride For The Last Two Years

in Splinterlandslast month

6 years splinterlands.png


Congratulations to Splinterlands for their 6 year anniversary. Splinterlands is one of the OG web3 games that have stuck around staying strong even through the bear market. Today, I will share some of my journey, accomplishments and goals for the duration I've been in the Splniterlands ecosystem.


Discovery of Splinterlands & Duration of Participation


I got to know Splinterlands in December 2021. I believe this was right as covid was happening so I was at home searching for ways to earn from playing games online and Splinterlands showed up as one of the top games. I believe in the beginning I was kind of confused on how to win and I didn't really invest too much besides a spellbook. I played for the daily wins and that was it.

I started getting more serious about Splinterlands after getting a scholarship from balthazar ran by @captainwhoco. This was when I started enjoying the game more and decided to purchase in-game assets. One thing led to another and I started a guild. Then I met @aruchard and he showed me how to bot. I was there during the SPLTV phase and even won a GF Kitty from one of the last big giveaways from SPLTV. It was a super memorable event that I will never forgot and I still have the kitty with me now. This was pretty much a highlight of the key moments of my last two years being in Splinterlands.


Time Spent in Splinterlands

I actually don't spend too much time in Splinterlands as I used to. I only play two scholar accounts daily which can be done in an hour or two. I will play them both at the same time to best utilize my time. The only days I do spend a few more hours is when there is a brawl. I play brawl for like 30 accounts which are mine and @aruchard so this takes some time since I rent for some of them.



As for my accomplishments, one of the main ones was reaching champion. I never thought I would get to that league when I first started playing. Another one would be creating my guild, Forbidden Summoners, which has been winning almost every brawl since inception. Some other accomplishments would probably be writing here on Hive. Splinterlands helped pushed me to write here on Hive. I started out with the battle of the week and social medias and from there I was able to branch out to non-splinterland topics. I'm also proud of my collection. I have some nice gf max cards like Ilthain and the rare Cl summoners. Lastly, I'm proud to say that I have over 180k SPS staked across my accounts combined.


Upcoming Goals

For my upcoming goals, I'm hoping to do better in tournaments and ranked play. After the changes to the ranked play, I haven't been able to reach champion as easily anymore. Tournamnets are free to enter so it's good extra SPS provided I'm able to hit the prize placing. In terms of card collection, I have put this on hold since it's kind of depressing to see the value of the cards keep decreasing. Before I wanted to have max gf cards but I'm not so sure if I want to still go for this goal.


Advice for Beginners

I think there is a lack of new players now but I wouldn't mind helping to guide any. My advice for beginners would be to join a guild and participate in the community. Don't feel too pressured and take things slow as there's quite a lot to learn. There's a lot of strategies and cards to use which can be a bit daunting. I think if beginners ask for some help in Splinterlands discord, there will be people that delegate cards or gift cards to beginners. This is not financial advice but I think it's ok to start getting CL cards as they are the cheapest entry into Splinterlands at the moment.


Thank You

Thank you for reading and supporting me. This is my journey for the last 2 years for Splinterlands in a nutshell. Hoping for the rollercoaster ride to go back up since now it's not looking too good. What do you think?

Referral Link
If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referral link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Before I wanted to have max gf cards but I'm not so sure if I want to still go for this goal.

This seems like very ambitious goal. I will have extremely hard time just buying some common-epic cards that are the level of my normal cards. Still having maxed gold cards and being better at tournaments could be huge win as tournaments with gold only cards have insane prizes.

and even won a GF Kitty from one of the last big giveaways from SPLTV.

It is a damn shame that i did not participate in SPLTV. Winning something like gold kitty would be crazy and would open many possibilities. I would have likely sold it and purchased many other powerful monsters. Or maybe I would have sold it and purchased insane amount of packs? both options would be very tempting.

This seems like very ambitious goalj

lol ya until everything kept devaluing so i feel its not worth it but oh well what to do. I still have a lot in splinterlands tho so really hope it can start showing up or these new web3 games will take over

It is a damn shame that i did not participate in SPLTV

you should've lol. someone even won a gold llama as well. i think he sold his tho.


Thank you TT

I watched that video on AMA.. congrats again for winning the gold foil kitty bro

o.o u watched that video haha thank u thank u . it was a lucky thing for me

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121