Reimagining Prince Rennyn

in Splinterlandslast year

rennyn copy.jpg

My favourite Earth summoner done in an anime style.


There was no Prince in Lyveria. Old King Wilhelm lived childless for all his days, but in the twilight of his life, he wished he had a son on whom to impart (what was left of) his wisdom. The sudden arrival of a boisterous and handsome pointy-eared nobleman from faraway lands seemed to provide exactly what the Old King sought. The people of Lyveria watched with confusion as Prince Rennyn was suddenly taken in by their beloved King. The Prince is also a highly skilled and powerful summoner, a fact which has also riled the suspicions of the Lyverian people. Old King Wilhelm thinks it is merely an epidemic of jealousy.



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Seems like you do a lot of this reimagining stuff 👀

It looks great

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