Is the RNG god on your side? Daily quest rewards

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi, So i've playing Splinterlands for over a week now. Reached Silver III thanks to a lot of help from the discord community. I've opened over 10 chests of daily quest so far and got 2 cards. I'm not sure if thats lucky or not but currently i'm on a 4 day less than 10 credit streak :(

So how is your luck with the daily chests? Did you ever got a rare+ card?
I took a gamble today cause i'm feeling lucky and rented a 55DEC card to help me finish the daily quest quickly. Hopefully it will go better than the last days.

Will update later with the results from today.


got a rare card once but recent time i keep getting potions.

I know how that feels, specially wihtout use for them these days, hopefully they will help you once the Chaos Legion is here.

yea... noticed recently the probability getting potion is higher. Not too sure is it because they want to limit the DEC being minted by bot.
