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RE: What is your hardest Daily Quest?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I think my hardest to complete, as well as the one I have come to hate, is “Back to Basics”. Any summoner with a magic boost on top of a high level team of mages is unbeatable unless you have those same options to play.

Having said that, however, since I added Byzantine Kitty to my options I find the healing and true strike make a considerable difference in how well ranged can perform in that ruleset so it’s not as disheartening to see now as it used to be, but I still don’t like not getting to factor in abilities.

My play style almost requires a degree of misdirection and that’s very difficult to achieve with only bare stats to work with.


Back to Basics I like to play Mortus with the -1 Magic to protect against the barrage of magic monsters.

I don’t have that one leveled high enough to use in the league I play in, but I should.

maybe use the new rental system... you can pick up some summoners pretty cheap

I’m off tomorrow so I’ll dig into it, then, maybe tonight if I get home early enough.

I am excited about it. I still haven’t rented anything out or for use and need to remedy that.