Splinterlands Strategies: Land: Strapped for DEC?

in Splinterlands7 months ago


This is not going to be relevant for many a landowner, but if you are like me and thinking you need 50,000 DEC to start your next 'Under Construction' then think a little.

You have many a land doing nothing and your best cards older cards are already staked. DEC is in short supply so what now?

...'how wasteful, but what can we do about it?'...

This was me until this morning. 40+ Lands doing fuck all and me refusing to sell my hard-earned SPS like many.

I’m thankful many players are buckling and burning their SPS for DEC as it’s nicely churning up the value, so please.., keep burning for my selfish sake!


Now, if you played Splinterlands in the Beta days, it was common for us ‘monster hoarders’ to keep your surplus cards at 1 BCX. One of the reasons was, it was easier to offload them than when combined.

The Reward cards from that era were held, at least by me in a similar fashion and the number of 'Screeching Vulture's' I offloaded at 1 BCX is not even funny. These cards are 'Earth', which is what I need the most for Jungles and Lakes, as well as gaining the 5x multiplier.

Regrets are not why I am writing today. I for one had a habit of hoarding my Beta's, sold few of them, and kept many at 1 BCX. Now there is little point in doing so as a landowner, even if you get an 'Enchanted Pixie' that may be mid-level between five and six.

Pixie 0.4.PNG

Who gives a toss? A L3 Enchanted Pixie will yield you 0.4 DEC a day. Big fucking deal, and if it doesn't breach my personal minimum requirement of 5 DEC a day then it's going on land.

4 pixes.PNG

Combine all these Pixies and you get 860PP. It's not earth-shattering and being neutral it will not give even a 10% bonus but what was it doing before? Nothing.

This Enchanted Pixie is now L4 +7, but again it's unimportant. Land workers are judged on their PP level which is per BCX not by full levels. Gone are the days when this chick was going to be fighting in battles, she's now a land digger and needs to get stuck in with a large shovel.


Other cards such as L3 Flesh Golems, I am reluctant to level. At 49 PP per L3, it hardly seems worth sacrificing such an efficient Bronze Wild tank. Where else can you find a self-healing monster that can hold his own at the front?

These used to rent at 84 DEC a day. Can you believe that?

Now the demand is 0.816. Pitiful and I refuse to rent them at such a low value. These guys will stay in my monster stash and I would encourage anyone else who has a horde of these to abstain from renting.

If they all vanish from the rental marketplace, then suffer or use the less effective Pelacor Mercenary which is almost FREE to rent given its abundance.


After combing a bunch of 'Sabre Shark' I found myself deliberating. Some Beta Commons are more desirable than others. 14 DEC a day or 643PP when staked on a land?

In this case, I think I would prefer the 14 DEC. All cards must be taken on merit and I would keep an eye on the rental marketplace. We all want and need passive DEC, as it is an expensive commodity.

Sabre Shark, you are going out there to battle again lad. No digging holes for you today, even though those powerful jaws could have been mighty useful.


Raging Impaler; an old Epic card was considered shit in the Beta days. Did you even see one played? The rental price for this is less than 1 a DEC.

It’s out in the fields for you big lad.

Choosing Monsters.PNG

When it comes to choosing monsters, ignore those new ones at the top of your list. Most of mine are MAX level and will require 10,000 DEC per monster. This isn’t going to work well as I have only 13,000 DEC available.

For a meagre 7,500 Energy I have another Grain Farm on its way to being constructed. It's not the most efficient and I would say, don't use any -50% modifier cards, but Neutral cards are better than nothing.

12 days.PNG

In 12 days or so I will have another farm. Beta cards are valuable, even commons and the marketplace is going to be raped soon.


It's not just a question of the 5x modifier, but more importantly the energy requirements to stake which are significantly less for non-maximised monsters.

I’m now off the start more Lands with the rest of my Beta’s. Within 2 weeks they will all become Grain producers.


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Drooling Maniac.JPG

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Splinter lands needs to take a long hard look at the way this game is set up, no longer is it play to earn(if it ever was), it takes very serious investment to do anything, the lack of DEC income is a big problem. being able to burn SPS is good, but not the answer I do not have enough to burn, need thousands more. as a small player none of the infrastructure of this game helps players like me.
I only have 5 plots. but struggling to get them working, 3 up and running, including a keep, the last two will have to wait. So SPL please look at the smaller players, if you want a NPE, then you will have to.

I agree mate, coming into this from the blue is bewildering and ridiculously expensive. We are using 'Blind Faith' and hoping this is all going to be worth it in the next bull run.

Max level old reward cards may be 'cheap' but are hardly effective in term of production and less so in energy requirements. I have lots of them, but can't afford to stake them.

Like you, I also do not burn SPS tokens.
I only have three land plots and I don't need DEC because they are all already active but I imagine you with so many plots and the management and optimization obviously becomes more complicated.
What worksites are you focusing more on? The grain farms?
@tipu curate

You need Grain farms to support the other types, so I am focusing on them mostly. If it's Occupied - SPS, Magic - Research. I have all types and not veering away much yet.

The retirement for these poor Beta cards looks bleak in Praetoria! Haha

I'm still gathering some Beta cards, I hope they don't get too scarce though!

Yes, Beta's are now old age pensioners and what do you make them do, manual hard labour?!😃

I'm generally collecting level 1s of all cards, but I use my betas in the brawl for alpha/beta cards. I bought a nice Haunted Spirit yesterday though 😊😀

That's a smart way of looking at it and was honestly holding off myself until I got another 50k DEC but yeah that is pretty dumb when I could at least start to get some type of production out of the land. So off I do to make some adjustments as well.

RIP Pixie "Gone are the days this chicks going to fight battles" 😢 I still use her once in a while lol

If you have a lots of lands and low level Beta's its worth doing. I just kicked off another, 66 days to clear and 1107 Energy to power it up. The dregs of Betas.

I don't quite understand everything you said here, but I will reach out to you if I need to. I don't think I have a bunch of uncombined cards like you.

You need lots of lands for this, not doing anything. That was pissing me off, and this thought came to me.


Very low volume for Beta Packs despite their obvious benefits now.

Very low volume for Beta Packs despite their obvious benefits now.

I wouldn't know where to look RE: volume. Cracking Beta's for land is a huge gamble, they are still $30 a pop. If you have them, it's wise to use them.

Nice strategy, make those Enchanted Pixies work with shovels! I came into the game after the Beta's so the one's I have I bought, and at today's prices at a serious loss. C'est la vie... DEC income really sucks right now, and I'm not about to burn my SPS just like you. I personally didn't buy up land which in the future may bite me in the ass. We really need fresh blood coming into the game and it's an expensive venture now. It really does worry me!

Is there anyone new coming into the game? If you remember the last explosion it was due to the SPS yearly airdrop. At the time it was revolutionary.., a drop every day for a year?

People will only come for the money. It's a fact.

Very true! They really need a new "gimmick" ...

I just have a couple of land plots and a bunch of cards and packs hoarded but honestly have almost no idea what to do with any of it. Lol. I have mostly just been buying stuff and trying to rent the cards without paying much attention. I have no idea what to do with the land. I really need to learn about this stuff!

Would be happy to do a bulk deal for some of your land/older cards?

I have been doing the same thing with my natural commons. Just putting lowly PP cards on em to just get em started. It helps me spread the little spare DEC I have a little further. I will have my first batch of several done being cleared in the next 3-4 days. Then another wave and so on until they are all at least working.

Been Here since the Very Beginning and I have No Idea what I am doing but it is FUN! @slobberchops


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I am finding out legacy cards do benefit in land. Also worth noting alphas reduce the required Dec stack when in use. Regret in the old days that I didn’t buy more alpha monsters and was only focused on summoners :/

We all have regrets about the old cards. There's little point in thinking about it now.

I agree, better to get lands working with a shittier setup than let them sit and wait for nothing.

👍 ❤️ Upvoted ❤️ 👍

We can all do it ⚡⚡⚡

Okay. Thank you. Eagerly waiting for support from all of you.

Been Here since the Very Beginning and I have No Idea what I am doing but it is FUN! @slobberchops


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Looks quite confusing to me😂😂
Well, that’s beca I have not begun to play the game but I’m sure with time, I’d understand everything