Glint use to buy card in shop [PT/ENG]

in Splinterlands2 months ago (edited)

OLA jogadores splinterlands,

agora as batalhas no jogo tiveram uma grande mudança, ja nao existem mais os baus de final de temporada e sim uma nova moeda chamada Glint.
Podemos usar os Glint que ganhamos nas batalhas na nova loja de recompensas para comprar cartas soulbounds, méritos, energia e poções.

Hoje consegui alcançar os 5000 Glint para ir a loja de recompensas comprar uma carta épica

nao tive muita sorte consegui com a carta épica e foi apenas uma, 😄😄

Obrigado por reservar um tempo para ler a minha postagem sobre Splinterlands!

bom jogo a todos,


Hello splinterlands players,

Now the battles in the game have undergone a big change, there are no longer end-of-season chests, but a new currency called Glint.
We can use the Glint we earn from battles in the new rewards store to buy soulbound cards, merits, energy and potions.

Today I managed to reach 5000 Glint to go to the rewards store to buy an epic card

I didn't have much luck, I got it with the epic card and it was just one, 😄😄

Thanks for taking the time to read my Splinterlands post!

Have a good game,


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