Evaluation of PELACOR DECEIVER in Chamoion Leage.

in Splinterlands3 years ago

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Today's topic is the evaluation of PELACOR DECEIVER.

PELACOR DECEIVER New standard for death head!?

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This card may become the new standard for death head.

The most powerful card to place at the head of the current darkness is Lord of Darkness, right?
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Lord of Darkness is the strongest in melee. The damage from attacks is halved by shields, and it fights back. Moreover, it has a stun, and Enrage increases its status by 1.5 times. It's a nightmare for the opponent.

However, Lord of Darkness also has its weaknesses. It's speed.
Compare PELACOR DECEIVER and Lord of Darkness. The speed is 2 different. And with Flying, DECEIVER's evasion rate is +25%.

Compare PELACOR DECEIVER and Lord of Darkness. The speed is 2 different. 10% evasion per 1 speed difference.And because of Flying, DECEIVER's evasion rate is +25%. In other words, their evasion rates are 45% different.

And if the DECEIVER evades the attack due to BACKFIRE, the attacker takes 2 damage.

So DECEIVER has a chance to win the Load of darkness.

Who wrote this?

I'm splintercat (Japanese) .

Today's Japan Tip:
Japan has four seasons. October is autumn, so say goodbye to your summer clothes.

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