LPs in V3 style pools for BUSD DEC are probably worth looking at over v2

in Splinterlands8 months ago

In v2 you get a steady 8-10% but using v3 you can get much higher more consistantly and if you are using larger amounts u can monitor it and adjust as necessary to avoid losses and keep the pool optimized. Its a bit more work but i have been testing with 1-5K not to much and this year planning to use the tests to be comfortable putting on some real size with my spl lp at 10K for now and the rest on zsyncera, polygon, and a few others to provide liquidity to various pools that offer less risky higher yields like 15% on stables that are more like usdc/usdt etc and eth/usdc for more volitile but has a ton of volume so you can use tight ranges and about 50-100K and extract quite a large sume of money in fees in jsut hours or even less. If you are comfortable doing these things and are able to manage your risk the returns of say 20 bucks on a 5-10K account now become 200 dollars and 200*365 is about 73K usd and if you add some additional strategies you can get even lager ROIs but i always test small knowing for the most part the returns at 100K will scale pretty closely.

But my point is why use the dec lp v2 to get sps air drop rewards when you can get 40-300% depending on the trading volume in busd/dec with settings of 3-6% bands for trading to concentrate you liquidity in that range to suck up more of the fees as you are more concentrated.


Added this earlier in the day and 2.7 may not look like much and also another advange is you dont get sps rewards you get busd and dec and then if you want can buy sps which allows you earn rewards with out the constant decrease in sps due to the current sell preasure and actually increase buy preasure when you take some and use it to buy sps if you want to increase your steak plus you can incrase your steak faster than others who just use the 30% and under lps since you are getting likely double to triple if manage correctly. That can allow you to increase your influence relative to other platers who just say stake or use lps that do not return as much.

Another intersting LP is on beeswap a lessor known hive dex that you can add liquidity to pools like hive bnb hbd busd swaphive hbd and a few others to earn the normal trading fees plus BXT which can be thought of a s a time bonus as u accumulate this you earn a portion of the other half of the beeswap fees and the more bxt staked the more fees you get.

If you are really feeing like you can monitor a position really closely try a tight tight range around usdc eth you can get 1000-5000% and use like 5K to test it and you will be supprised how fast a few dollars flys out now jump that to 50K those say 5 bucks are now 50 and that was earned in less than a half hour so if voulume keeps steady at that that would be 100 per hour or 100K 200 per hour. going to be getting much more into this in the future once i can move my 150K to try this and if it can do as well as the small 1-5K tests ill be a pretty happy guy lol.

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thanks for the idea


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