Brawl Frays Riftwatchers Update

It's the talk of the town, a ripple of excitement spreading through the common room of every inn frequented by the great Gladiators. In their latest Frightening Organization of Menacing Channelers (FOMC) meeting, the Guild Masters announced they will be shaking up the rules of engagement to bring new competitive spirit to Brawling! Rumor has it their decision is a result of the Riftwatchers taking a keen interest in the proceedings, and wanting to get in on the action themselves.

A lot has changed in Splinterlands during the course of this year. We've seen a revamp of the Ranked Rewards system, the introduction of Modern & Wild battle formats, the coming of SPS rewards, and a whole brand new card set in Riftwatchers.

However, Brawl Frays have not kept up with the pace of change. We haven't had a significant update to the cards allowed for use in various Frays since Chaos Legion was added earlier this year. Now that Riftwatchers has been out for a while, it's time for some much needed Fray updates.

We will be making the following changes, which will become effective on November 23 EDT, during the results phase of the current Brawl cycle. This means guilds will start seeing the impact of these changes in the next Brawl.

Note: in the below lists, Frays highlighted in bold are the ones that will be changing. Other Frays remain the same.

Edition Legend:

  • Chaos = Chaos Legion
  • RW = Riftwatchers
  • U+D+C+RW = Untamed + Dice + Chaos Legion + Riftwatchers
  • A+B+P+R = Alpha + Beta + Promo + Reward

Tier 1

Fray #Current FraysNew Frays
3ChaosRegularNoviceChaos + RW
4Alpha + BetaRegularNoviceU+D+C+RW
7ChaosRegularBronzeChaos + RW
10ChaosRegularSilverChaos + RW
11AllGold FoilBronze
12ChaosGold FoilBronzeChaos + RW
13AllGold FoilSilverU+D+C+RWGold FoilBronze

Tier 2

Fray #Current FraysNew Frays
2ChaosRegularNoviceChaos + RW
5ChaosRegularBronzeChaos + RW
6Alpha + BetaRegularBronzeA+B+P+R
9ChaosRegularSilverChaos + RW
10Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularSilverU+D+C+RW
12Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularGoldU+D+C+RW
13AllGold FoilBronze
14Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilBronzeU+D+C+RW
15AllGold FoilSilver
16Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilSilverU+D+C+RW

Tier 3

Fray #Current FraysNew Frays
2Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularBronzeU+D+C+RW
5Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularSilverU+D+C+RW
10Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularGoldU+D+C+RW
11Alpha Beta Promo RewardRegularGold
13Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularMaxU+D+C+RW
14AllGold FoilBronze
15AllGold FoilSilver
16Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilSilverU+D+C+RW
17AllGold FoilGold
18Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilGoldU+D+C+RW

Tier 4

Tiers 4 & 5 will have minimal changes for now, as only a few guilds have reached Tier 4 and none at all have reached Tier 5. The only change in these Tiers is to add Riftwatchers to all the Chaos Legion Frays, but we still list the complete set of Frays below as it may be of interest to some players to see what Tiers 4 & 5 look like.

Fray #Current FraysNew Frays
3Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularSilverU+D+C+RW
4Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularSilverU+D+C+RW
8Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularGoldU+D+C+RW
9Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularGoldU+D+C+RW
13Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularMaxU+D+C+RW
14Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularMaxU+D+C+RW
15Alpha Beta Promo RewardRegularMax
16AllGold FoilBronze
17AllGold FoilSilver
18Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilSilverU+D+C+RW
19AllGold FoilGold
20Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilGoldU+D+C+RW
21AllGold FoilMax

Tier 5

Fray #Current FraysNew Frays
2Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularSilverU+D+C+RW
6Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularGoldU+D+C+RW
7Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularGoldU+D+C+RW
8Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularGoldU+D+C+RW
14Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularMaxU+D+C+RW
15Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularMaxU+D+C+RW
16Untamed + Dice + ChaosRegularMaxU+D+C+RW
18Alpha Beta Promo RewardRegularMax
19AllGold FoilSilver
20Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilSilverU+D+C+RW
21AllGold FoilGold
22Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilGoldU+D+C+RW
23Alpha Beta Promo RewardGold FoilGold
24AllGold FoilMax
25Untamed + Dice + ChaosGold FoilMaxU+D+C+RW

Going Forward

This round of updates has the following goals in mind:

  1. Let players use Riftwatchers in Brawls.
  2. Tackle concerns about Alpha Frays not being accessible enough in lower Tiers due to the difficulty of obtaining / renting these older cards.

Another guiding principle is that in general we want difficulty to progress from gentle in Tier 1 to very demanding by Tier 5. This led to the decision to adjust the final Gold Foil Fray of Tier 1, which we felt was too demanding for an introductory Tier.

Our strategy with this and future Fray changes is to make small incremental balance adjustments, observe the effect & get feedback, and then consider the next round of adjustments. You can expect a fresh round of updates every few months or so as we strive to keep Frays in sync with the general evolution of the game.

Happy Brawling! As always, we look forward to seeing you in the Arena!

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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This is a good update but should have really come about on RW release.
Any TH posts going to be released?

Why U+D+C+RW instead of Modern? I love my Doctor Blight.

Love the fact that the team is so on top of changing rules here and there to incentivise things in there...You need people to want to use these cards as well indeed and this is a good one in there


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@onthemountain(3/5) tipped @splinterlands (x1)

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Finally thank you for starting this update

same here as a said in Discord:
Thats great news but, If we are supposed to motivate people to move up to tier 4 why there are almost no changes there? Why is tier 4 the only one with an alpha fray? That makes no sense, is that supposed to cater to og whales to ensure they will keep wining tier 4 and no new guild can dare to challenge them? Will the changes come when the 6 or 7 og guilds move up to tier 5 so they can keep earning uncontested?
a strong guild in t3 that wants to move up to t4 cant do it because there's no way they can get a competitive alpha gold level deck, so that tier its just for the OG guilds?

Question... For ABPR fray, is this the old Promo and Reward,or Modern, or All of them? Thanks.

Nice work team, great updates. Keep building the product this is going to be great to see all the updates over the next several months.

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