Latest Chaos Legion NFTs on Splintertalk!

We are excited to release story-driven limited edition NFTs only on Splintertalk!

A new Chaos Legion story will be released each week of our presale and 5 NFTs will be minted that relate to each story.

  • 3 journal sketches
  • 2 animated colored art

So far we've released 3 NFT journal sketches related to our latest story, Creeping.

Check out the links below!

Northern Bay

Dark Plans


The Chaos Legion presale is live .... click Here for more details.



This is too cool, I am a 2 week old newb lol. The story is compelling and stimulates the imagination during game play.

This game would explode if someone decided to make a Splinterlands Movie :-)

Thank you for the update, I am a splinterlands addict lol

another great release, I'm going to have a look on Splintertalk to try to buy them


Nice releases, the NFTs are selling like hot cakes!


I wouldnt want to step on that tome of chaos if it were on the floor. Ouch!

I can't even afford normal splinter lands NFT 😂

It was awesome!!. The splinterland AMA was all I expected from the team.

I think this game will be better at the past of time.

Congrats for all splinterland team and we will keep playing 👍