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I've seen the stats and there's so much possibilus,... I mean possibilities for this card. I love it.

This dragon card is so awesome! This is my first time reading the lore as I want to learn more to make mythical lore story as well, and I love Diana Crofts voice acting, is there audition on this? 😬 seems like an awesome job to do voice acting 🙈

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After a long time this is the first lore that I got myself together to delve into again and only because the monster was created after my guild.

I do appreciate all the creative work that has been put into creating the Splinterlands lore, but it's just missing something for me to get excited about it.
I love the game and the community, but sadly I don't love the lore. I don't know, it just doesn't pull me in like some other game lores do for me.

Maybe in the future there could be like a book or a comic where a lot of the story could be compressed together for easy reading. Other than that I don't even know what advice I would give.

But don't let my opinions matter too much, I know that there are people who get excited about splinterlands lore, so maybe it's just my personal thing.

Broadly speaking I agree with you, it would take a book where the entire history of the Splinterlands is encapsulated. Also because it's too fragmentary as a discourse, you only understand in episodes but you don't understand the overall story. All in all though it's still a great job that the splinterlands team does, they could very well omit the lore part and yet still try their hand at writing it.