
The shared animations look cool but the last blast animation sequence on Lava Launcher makes it look like the shot backfired. An altered version I created based on the original.

One company is an AI company

That sounds really interesting ... I am curious in which direction this cooperation will lead.

Let's hope it doesn't swing the balance even more in favor of Bot to Earn.

Thank you very much for your detailed post. I could not be present because I was at work. You saved me time, thanks again.

Posted using Splintertalk

Also want to release a Lore book eventually

Shut up and take my dec.. or sps, or credits.. hive?

Looking forward to that very much, I need to be away from the screen to enjoy the lore. Started some of the vids and read through parts here and there but there's too much going on with splinterlands and on hive to stay focused :-)

The badges look amazing.
The wiki lore will be released here or do you intend to sale it?

Wiki will definitely be free and available for everyone.

The Lore book will probably be a physical copy (or maybe even an online copy) that you could buy.

Not sure if I support the changes to the daily quest we will see in time though

Posted using Splintertalk

focus point? but bots can play 24/7...

Always good stuff I've been tuning into these more often over on twitch as it's always cool to see what's going on and new things to look forward to. The structure of the stream is spot on as well.

what about the patch from 5 april? was nothing said about it? is now over a week ago, I'm starting to worry if the patch should come at all......

I believe they said that update would go back out on April 19th.

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Looking forward on rank reward and modern format.. hoping it will give more positive outcome to us players..

Looking forward for the more play the more earning.