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@moriarty95 I remembered your post when reading about the lands, the hype is real!

Thats awesome 😊

Scavo Technomancer, please I want 1000 of them, I love it. I like how the market looks, it's amazing. I love the boss battle ideas. eye candy, wonderful, I love them.

I have a question, when revealing the lands, will they be random locations?

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Good question! The revealing process has yet to be fully explained, but I believe it was mentioned that it may follow a sequential order. So if you are the very first to convert your claim into a Deed, then you will get the very first location on the map. Then as claims continue to be converted, the locations will be the next spot on the map in order.

Fuck this game just gives impressing me! Bullish as hell!

Loving the new UIs that are coming and have already been added into the game. Lots of functionality and information but easy to understand and digest. Scavo look AMAZING!

“Validator node code will be generic, but you will need to be running the individual Validator node software for either SPL or GLS.”

Are these SPL nodes (60k) going to form the structure on which these additional games will be based on? Or will that be entirely separate? For example, I buy two nodes on Splinterlands platform. Can I use one to run Splinterlands and second one to run different project?

No, SPL nodes will be specific towards Splinterlands and SPS governance. It will also be different software compared to GLS.

That means, if you want to run a node for SPL, but then switch to GLS, you'd need to switch the software from SPL to GLS, and also make sure you switch the licenses as well.

However, since the Node software will be generic, I think the process will be very simple.

Thank you for clarification.

Not good. Seems the splinterlands will get abandoned. No any plan to increase card holders benefits?

The Splinterlands game itself is not getting abandoned by no means...

As the team stated, there are separate teams working on all these projects at the same time. The Splinterlands team itself is the largest still and they are the ones churning out all the development for the roadmap items.

In terms of card holder benefits, owning cards is still very, very valuable as SPS rewards will begin soon for those that actually play Splinterlands. So through Brawls and Ranked play, you will begin receiving SPS. With this SPS, you will then earn other rewards if you stake it like with the GLS airdrop...

To sum it up, if you are a Splinterlands player, this extra project is only going to reward you even more. It will bring new people into the ecosystem and will only help the game grow!

Could not be more excited for the EMP sponsorship announcement… Cannot wait to work together even More!

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