Rethinking Strats On Land and Getting More Online For LESS!

As of today I just tripled my active land plots and it was easier than you might think! My mindset before was I needed 50,000 DEC per plot. Being that I had a lot of high max level cards and the building in the box for these plots (which saves me 5,000 dec or about $5 per plot) it seemed like a rather large expense to go down.

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However, over the last few days I've been reading up on others strats and what they are doing. One caught my eye today by @slobberchops Splinterlands Strategies: Land: Strapped for DEC? and it got me rethinking about what I was doing.

With a total of 142 plots of which 100 of them are on my own keep it seems pretty dumb to have over 90 plots sitting dormant at the moment. So what did I do? I sold off some crypto assets and picked up another 200,000+DEC a little over $200 in value but honestly it was a junk token which I made a bet on months ago and with the recent up tick it nearly doubled in price so why not!

Also I just want to say before I dive into what I did is many might be looking at land the wrong way and as a costly investment of $100+ per plot while only producing small amounts of rewards.

But you have to look at it this way. Splinterlands has been around for years and most likely will now be around for many more years including the next bull run. That means as soon as you get your plot of land online while yes it has a upfront cost it also produces for you for the life of the game. So that 30 SPS per day might go down a bit as more plots come online and get upgraded but it's producing something for you every day.

The New Strat

The same goes for grain and research at the moment. Plus you really don't need a full set of 50k DEC in order to work the plots.

I'm still working down the list of plots I have starting with SPS mainly with some grain epic plots and a bit of research to start out. From there I'll open up rare and then commons and get ready for land 2.0 which will have a VAST amount of new resources to craft and most likely liquidity pools. I think the one liquidity pool I might invest decently in is gain simply because I suspect there will be a lot of transactions for it compared to others.

Lesson Number 1: You don't need 50,000 DEC Per plot

You could run land with lower level cards and still push out a decent amount of production on that plot. Plus with some bonuses such as totems and titles or simply using the correct card type on that land plot you can really start to boost production.

Lesson Number 2: Sorting By Highest PP Is Not Your Friend

By default you might click production to sort the list. However in my case like some others it's not always your best bet. That's because of your energy costs. Hitting up a max level card will cost you 10,000 or $10 in DEC per card which can quickly add up. Instead keep scrolling down a bit until you see the energy drip and then check your production value on the card.

Here's an example from a plot I'm about to setup.

While I could put a max level Cerberus on my land or a goblin Shaman both would cost me 10,000 DEC each. However I have a Lord of Fire card which actully produces better then Goblin Shaman but only costs me 7,273 DEC to stake it saving me 2,727 DEC or around $2.70. It might not sound like a lot but combine that over 5x cards and you can quickly find yourself pumping out some decent production at a lower cost to clear the land instead of sitting and waiting to get more DEC. Time is a HUGE factor in this land game. The sooner your plots are cleared and producing the better off you're going to be.

Once your start up production and start building you could (soon) sell off those resources for DEC or put them in a liquidity pool to earn a little DEC in rewards and then slowly start to add on those higher level cards.

So there you have it. With that simply mindset adjustment of waiting until I have max level cards for everything I now have 13 plots of the 142 up and running and will most likely be adding on 5-10 plots per week as I accumulate more DEC. If the liquidity pools start to come online and trading I also might start to sell off assets and get DEC faster to bring even more plots of land online. To be honest I want all 100 of my own plots up and running as quickly as possible. Doing so is going to allow me to start harvesting and crafting some pretty cool stuff and keeping it all self sufficient and in house.

How's land going for you?

** Side Note ** All earned author rewards from this post and others on this account are put back into Splinterlands in some way to help fuel the ecosystem and yes my personal account. Thank you for any and all support.

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