Splinterlands Curation Trail

in Splinterlandslast month



How to join the Splinterlands curation trail

Hello everyone, as Splinterlands already exists for six years, I thought it's a good time to write another guide. This time, I am writing about their curation trail. I prefer to write informing articles as I prefer to read articles which learn me something. So especially if you're rather new to Splinterlands, I hope you'll be able to learn something out of it!

What is a curation trail?

A curation trail is an automated way of voting. It's a tool made by witness @mahdiyari to automate your votes. It comes in handy when you don't have the time to actively upvote. For example when you're on holidays, have some busy irl stuff to do, etc. Even when you're rather passive, it can help you to get some curation rewards from the upvoting.

Okay, automated upvoting, but how exactly does it work? Well, whenever a certain account which you're 'following for the curation trail' upvotes an article, your account will upvote it aswell. Through the hive.vote site you give your posting authority to be able to do so.

Is it all safe?

It's an open source project, you can find the code in the Github repository of above mentioned developer: https://github.com/mahdiyari/steemauto It's also not a new project, it's already around for a couple of years. The application works with Hivesigner (an equivalent) of keychain to login. So yes, I would dare to say that it's safe.

Because it uses your posting authority, it's only able to post, follow, upvote, reblog and claim rewards. So it doesn't have any access to your balance for example. You can always have a look at their faq or contact them through Hive vote Discord

How to join?

Okay, all good, you convinced me that it's something handy, but where could I find it?
Well, you go to https://hive.vote/ and click on "Login / Register".


Hivesigner will now open a page to login:


Here you have to add your hive name and your master password. I'll quote their own faq to explain why you have to input your master password:

Why should I enter my password/active key at hivesigner.com?
You only have to use your password/active key just one time. We are using hivesigner.com to broadcast the transaction which will allow @steemauto to use your account posting authority. To broadcasting this (and any) transaction you will need to input your password/active key. Of course, you can remove this access at any time by clicking on 'Unauthorize' button in your dashboard.

Afterwards you'll be asked to enter a self-chosen password. Which you have to confirm aswell. As already mentioned Hivesigner is similair to Keychain, it's a password manager and similar to Keychain, you'll have to create such a password to use it more easily instead of always having to enter you key's.

Now you'll be able to login to Hive.vote utilizing hivesigner. You'll have to give hive.vote permission to use your posting authority. After this is all done, you're ready to select the curation trail you want to follow. Click on 'Curation trail'.


Scroll a bit down the page and you'll be able to search for a curationtrail, here you could enter "steemmonsters" (Steemmonsters is the old name of Splinterlands and they still use this account to upvote quality Splinterlands related articles.), than click on the search button:


You'll now see a page with the matches for your search string. In this case, only steemmonsters:


When you click on 'follow', you'll start to follow the curation trail of 'steemmonsters'. So you'll start to upvote every post which steemmonsters upvotes aswell until you reach a certain treshhold of voting mana. More about that further in this article.

There are some settings you can adjust:


You can vote on comments, Personally I don't do this, but it's your own choise to do or don't do it.

You can change the voting weight. Here you can choose between Scale voting weight and Fixed voting weight.

Scale voting weight means that you'll upvote a certain percentage of the percentage the holder of the curation trail upvotes. On default it's set on 50%, which means that if @steemmonsters upvotes a certain article with 20%, you'll upvote it with 10%.

Fixed voting weight means that you choose your own percentage which will always be applied.

Time to wait before voting This one let's you choose an interval between your automated upvotes. Personally I don't use this but again it's up to you.

I already mentioned that you're able to set a certain threshhold for the upvoting, that's in a different settings menu. Click on 'Dashboard' on the left:


Now click on the settings button:


When you now click on the 'Click to edit' next to 'Upvote mana threshold', you can adapt the threshhold for your upvoting mana:


These are in my opinion the most important settings, so congratulations, you're now able to join the curation trail!


  • In this article I talked about @steemmonsters's curation trail as I wanted to give something back for his generous upvotes. But ofcourse you could use it for every curation trail which exists.
  • When you are a rather small account, it's best to set your threshhold not too low. Because otherwise your votes will be way to small to even get something noticable.
  • If you're actively upvoting quality content yourself, than you'll ofcourse not need this. But maybe even you will disconnect for a couple of days when on holidays.
  • I want to stress one last thing: Only follow curation trails who upvote quality content, as we all want that only quality content gets an upvote. That's why I used @steemmonsters as an example as they manually curate all the articles, so although it could be kind of subjective, quality is guaranteed.

I hope you learned something new by reading this article and feel free to give me your opinion in the comments! Thanks for reading my article!


How did I begin to play Splinterlands?


It all began in December 2021, I was a bit bored and was looking for a new game to play on my laptop. After googling a bit, I saw the term play2earn in my google results. I didn't know it at that time but it seemed awesome, earning money while playing games instead of spending money on those games. Soon I learned that play2earn means that you can indeed earn some money to play the games. How does it work? While playing those games, you can earn NFT's of those games. These NFT's can be traded and sold for cryptocurrencies which could be swapped for fiat if you would like to. That's how I started.

Do you want to try out Splinterlands aswell?
Here is my referal link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=stekene


Posted Using InLeo Alpha



Well, I have only little interest to vote steemmonster trail as I already do curation and support a trail for our community. (You may follow our trail @hive-143869, 100%/Scale for best results).
Still, here comes a little support from us.


Your post has been manually reviewed for curation.


Principality of Bastion's Tavern - Our Leit Motiv? Let's Grow Together.

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One click delegations: 500 HP | 1500 HP | 5000 HP |25000 HP | 100000 HP
Or delegate the amount you decide to @hive-143869, using peakd's wallet, for example.



@stekene! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @itharagaian. (7/50)

I guess the post is indeed more meant for beginners rather than people who have their own curation trail 😅

Thanks for the support! 🙌

Rien de méchant hein :) Juste que j'suis pas sur qu'ils aient vraiment besoin d'aide à leur niveau :) :)

Pas de soucis, je le comprends.
Je pense justement s'il y a une nouvelle personne qui ne le connaît pas encore et qui je peux aider, je serai déjà heureux. :D

Sinon tu peux les conduire au Bastion, là y a pas mal besoin d'aide :)

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 5% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

Delegate HP | Join Discord

@stekene, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @stekene gets !LOL from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻


This post has been supported by @fallen.angels guild!
Delegate Tokens and HP to Fallen Angels to earn weekly rewards!
Delegate | Join to the guild

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @stekene suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

oh baby curation trail guide very nice stekene

I knew it was a new world which opened when I first got to know about it :D

great proud u have awakened

Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer xawi know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉




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