
Great Show Last Night @stever82


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I really like what they are doing with the Rebellion release. There still seems to be a lot of packs available, but the burn being started immediately gives a concrete deadline for the packs. The other changes of holding packs/cards for the airdrop are pretty interesting as well. I'm excited for it, but I don't think I can participate since I barely have any DEC.

the new mechanics look really cool for rebellion . just sad lacking the money. wish they had this sale next year :/. Those 2 promo cards I think will be interesting sice its neutral. I can see that maybe the 11 mana one is not as strong as the bear but maybe reverse speed and odds only it might seem some light


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@stokjockey(2/5) tipped @stever82

this will be a gamechanger for splinterlands .. thats why i really love this game . its always surpass my expectations..

Great show fellas, loved the conversation!