
why fomo? for now all is green and in 1 year halving, so just buy and enjoy:D

I think he mean fomo february event with splinterlandstv giveaway 2 legendary cards for almost every streamer shift :)


thanks for a quick recap and time to get some goodies from fomo feb

FomoFeb effect got me too. Excited on these new splinterlands Farm Items.

Thank you for the great summary, I didn't have a chance to watch this time so your video helped a lot.

It's too bad I didn't quite have time to catch the FOMO Feb streams. 😅 Hopefully my schedule can clear up sometime soon.

thanks for the recap

gratz on the packs and ty for the recap

Thanks for the recap! I enjoyed your first FOMO February stream too. I've never seen that many packs opened at once. It was amazing!

Yes! We need those details about Summoner and monster levels.

I am very curious how the details about how many of which cards need to be staked. Having more utility for the cards is always a good thing.

Thanks as always for the recap.

It's not easy to catch the correct streams. I never know if it's someone doing the legendary giveaways or not.

Count me in

IGN olaf.gui

Awesome video Steve and congrats to your 4 LGF summoner!

FOMO February it is!

Thanks for the recap, maybe I'll get some free stuff sponsored by fomo february :D

The land stuff is awesome but so far off unfortunately. More excited about the short term things such as the movie company packs and tower defense. Thanks for the update as always! IGN: Bluedevil0722

thanks for the recap..cant wait for land..

Steve Thanks for the recap. I didn't realize they changed dispel. And included opportunity in the fog of war. I am ready for fomo feb

great recap. not enough time or money to buy everything I want!! haha

Great article!
Ign: senyong

Thanks for another recap! I think the land game is something for wealthy players, or early players, I'm neither haha

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Thanks for the recap
Fomo February is great!

Sorry for late reply on peak. I still think that it was a bad idea to burn the chaos packs. Now you know you need a Shit load of carts. These carts have to come from somewhere. So I think you can and will see soulbound carts staked on land.

Thanks Steve for recap again! I like Fomo feb 😍 got some summoners.

IGN krakops