Spread Your Peaks

in Splinterlands7 days ago

It feels like it has been such an incredibly long time, but I finally made it back into the top tier of Champion league. I have no idea how these bastards above me are getting so high. I am in 36th position on the ladder currently and over 3300 points behind first position. That is a pretty insane spread - and it is 1200 points between first and second. That is 60 straight wins.




Obviously, while I am both happy with the result and disappointed how far I am away from the top, it is also relative. If I was in the top 36 fastest sprinters in the world, I would be heading to the Paris Olympics and might make it into the quarter finals. But at the same time, compared to the eventual winner, I would still be well behind and unlikely to ever close the gap in my career. At that level, the difference of a tenth of a second, is an ocean apart.

3300+ points.

That is an ocean. To get there, I would have to win the next 165 games in a row. It just doesn't seem possible for me. It isn't like I haven't beat people and I even beat @vettev occasionally, but it is an absolute grind to get anywhere. Last season I was happy scraping into C2.

What the hell am I doing wrong?


Losing a lot.

I think that in the top 50 this season, I have the lowest win rate at 51%, which means I have to play many games, as you can see above. 700+ is a lot and it takes many vouchers in a season too. But, I am not sure why I bother trying to get up into the higher leagues, as I am not sure if there is a benefit for me to be in C1, compared to C2. Sure, I start higher at the start of the season, but I will likely drop back anyway, so what does it matter? Would it be better not to buy and spend the vouchers and just be content getting wherever I get with the 24 each day?

Obviously, my SPS earnings would decrease significantly if I did that, but it might be offset by me not having to pay for extra vouchers to try and climb. If I won 50% of my games and averaged 20 SPS (it is normally a bit more than that), I would still be getting 240 SPS a day, sans voucher costs. 120 vouchers is currently about $2.64 worth, and 240 SPS is about $2.08 worth. This means that with my current win rate of 51%, if I play 24+24 games, win 24 of them, I would get about 480 SPS worth 4.17 - which means I would be better off not buying vouchers and playing the extra. Of course, I normally get more SPS than that for a win, and as I climb I would get more again given the bonuses, so I likely come out a bit better off, but not much.

I probably average closer to 30 SPS a win.

Definitely not worth the time though! I enjoy playing however still, making it not too bad overall, and I can play a game or two throughout my day on my breaks at work, or in the evenings when I should be writing. But, perhaps I have a problem, because while I am not competitive in many things, I don't like to lag behind others when I "know" I could be higher up the rankings in something. It feels like I am not applying myself, but really, I don't get what I am doing wrong. Perhaps it is just that I can't play consistently enough, or perhaps I suck.

I know my RNG luck isn't great.

Oh well. I will just be happy I made it up into C1 this season, have a break for the next couple days, and then get back into the grind next season. It might be a long time between drinks before I get up here again, so I might as well savor it.

How's your season going?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I need to rethink my whole splinterlands strategy after the latest updates they are going to be making. I've already started to liquidate some stuff. The new fee for wild is going to be interesting.

You have been running Wild bots?

Yeah a guy from the UK with a crazy looking avatar got me into it. 😃

I'm still in Champions League 3 (wild format). I probably have weak cards. I only play chaos gold legion and reward cards (no gladiator cards).

I don't play wild, only Modern. I have a lot of wild cards doing nothing.

Congrats on getting a high position. Hopefully you keep it and get those DEC rewards. If the SPL discord is to be believed, it seems Altumns plays all the top 5 accounts of the leaderboard. Which is insane to me.

Yeah, I have heard the same. It just makes me wonder.

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Wow bro, Congrats on making it to Champion league. It’s tough balancing enjoyment with the grind. I get what you mean about questioning the effort vs. rewards. Keep savoring those victories, though bro.. congrats once again bro

I probably average closer to 30 SPS a win.

This amount is really very low. So is its value. However, you can have fun and relieve stress by playing in your free time. If you play to make money, you will be unhappy.

You probably don't play Splinterlands :)

How's your season going?

At times I fall out of the champion league but I finished last 5-6(?) seasons in champion. I don't buy extra energy. One time recently I got Beta pack from Ultimate chest. Sadly the best thing in it was golden ELVEN CUTTHROAT...

I also think that it is impossible for me to finish much higher. It seems that players above me are either much better than me orand have better cards.

Seems like there's a lot uproar over the latest proposal about the Wild Season Pass. What's your thoughts about it?

Congratulation on your new ranking
I have been in Champion League three times now since the last system rewards update. My rapid entry in the Champion League can be explained by the low volume of active accounts in the game now. I am sure this situation won't stay permanent, so I am building a stronger collection.
Happy end of season

Champ 2 has been my ceiling for pretty much forever now.

Did you make the change to Modern, or are you in Wild?

I couldn't battle my way out of Bronze in Modern. Just got rolled over and over by Bronze players with a heap of experience. Not sure if it's worth another crack at some point, but I'm enjoying Wild for now.