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RE: Kron the undying and Scarred llama mage make for deadly combo in silver.

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Earth Elemental. Base 10 health. 12 with Llama. 18 with last stand. Regenerates 6 health per turn and has attack or 3 or 5 (depending on level) once last stand kicks in. It only costs 6 so llama/elemental only 13 power. At 13 power nothing can deal out more than 6 damage per turn so elemental wipes out any opposition. In the odd case of armored defender with repair support the elemental won't be able to damage the opponent but once fatigue kicks in the elemental still wins in the end.


Would you by any chance be talking about the flesh golem? I see that at level 5 it has the 10 health along with 3 attack and healing. This would do exactly what you said at the 6 power cost. Also i have noticed the Flesh Golem to be a very worthy tank, especially with the healing it gets after level 3.

Sorry, your absolutely right. It is the flesh golem. Get the names wrong on occassion :) It is my favorite earth tank though.