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RE: Splinterlands: Upgrading some of my CL cards

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Nice upgrades! Wave Brood is a nice one, but moving Tarsa up is an important move as well as Harklaw. Immunity is a huge plus anymore, it seems like I am seeing toxic fumes almost constantly anymore. It's actually started to annoy me!

How have you been holding up? I've been exhausted the last few days...


I think everyone is busy upgrading and I have some cards I'll rather sell to update other ones, I also had to exchange some other hive engine token to get some DEC to make these purchases.

How have you been holding up? I've been exhausted the last few days...

My woman's been around and I've been helping her a lot with school stuffs and many other things, so I'm exhausted myself but I'm just trying to be tough. Keep pushing, I guess and pray you'll get better.

It's all I can do or anyone can! Keep pushing through. It nice to have your woman around though isn't it?

She's going through her own thing and ik having to also help her through it, so it's twice as challenging