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RE: Splinterlands Daily Quest - October 12, 2021 - A neutral quest

in Splinterlands3 years ago

All these battles are great and can be very special for all players close to this level where they can learn more strategies and special plans.
I also noticed that your rank is 180 in the leaderboard and this is also something special, and you can try and reach advanced positions and get super prizes at the end of the season, in addition to that, you will open 60 chests and I hope to reach this level one day, what a player Excellent my friend and I will always follow you to learn more about the game.


Thank you for your support!

I've had better seasons in the past, it is a real challenge this time round, as we get more and more competitive players into the game and into higher leagues!

I hope you will always stay like this and present these very useful videos to new players and those who need help, and I wish you all the best and reach the top positions in the leaderboard and get great rewards.
I will follow you to benefit from all the blogs that you publish.
I am grateful to you my friend