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RE: Analyzing conflict for airdrops: how many CP do you need?

in Splinterlands6 months ago

The first airdrop card (Rage), will have 4000 copies available (about the circulation of the first airdrop card from Riftwatchers).

I could've swore I read this somewhere too but I can't find it for the life of me. Any chance you have a source for that?


I thought I read it as well, but I'm no longer sure. 1) it matched the ~BCX of riftwatchers airdrops, which had about the same sales numbers so that made sense and 2) it was the number they used in the test run in the QA server. But someone told me that the number in the QA server was arbitrary and not necessarily the actual number.

If it does change from 4000, the ROI will obviously change. I'll probably re-write this when actual conflicts are announced to give better specifics with fewer assumptions.

I thought I read it as well, but I'm no longer sure.

Funny how that happens, isn't it? lol. I can't even find the Rage announcement/teaser anymore so my guess is they might've pulled it if they were going to change the number of cards available.

I just heard yesterday that the 4000 number could possibly be changing too, so that's why I was curious. Thanks for the info!


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