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RE: 2022 Goals and Overdue Introduction Post

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Welcome to hive! Planning your steps is really ambitious and don't be afraid to dream big, just remember to do small steps towards your goal to make the journey possible.

I was going to curate your post on behalf of the cartel curation to give a little help with the Oneup and SPT tokens goal, but it seems that my fellow curator entrepidus was faster XD

Good luck and have fun with your one post per day challenge!!


Hey Trashyomen! Thanks. I think that is part of why I was putting off for a time. I didn't want to go too ambitious at the start and kind of be destined to fail. I read, and at times refer back to your detailed post about Ragnarok. Really looking forward to that project.

Ambition and greed can be blinding, you did right by taking small steps at a time and going at your own pace

Glad you liked that post! It was a collaborative effort, entrepidus and Spiritsurge also did a lot for that one