Poll: CP Proposal VS Wild Season Permit Proposal

in Splinterlands25 days ago

A SPS Governance Proposal by @yabapmatt was published yesterday, presenting a new balancing alternative to reduce the impact of reward draining caused by bots in Wild Ranked.

Instead of increasing the CP mechanism again as mentioned in the first proposal, Matt suggested the addition of a "Wild Season Permit" that players would need to purchase each season to be eligible to play in this ranked queue. I recommend reading the full proposal by clicking on the first link in this post.

After analyzing the proposals, which one is your favorite? Do you prefer the return of CP as a requirement to curb bots in Wild Ranked, or do you believe that implementing the "Wild Season Permit" will be sufficient to improve reward distribution? Vote in this poll now!



In this poll, I voted for the CP requirement. However, what I really think we need is something in between the two. I'm okay with a permit, but I would require it to be paid in vouchers only and make it a little cheaper - 10 vouchers maybe? There was a time when vouchers were "valued" at $1...
Then, I would also require a certain amount of ownership of cards, I'm not sure the best way to do that - some version of CP.

I like your idea of creating a middle ground. This is a very complex topic and I think there needs to be a lot of debate about it

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