What a week on Splinterlands - during Hivefest

in Splinterlands2 years ago


Major days for the Hive blockchain

While Hivefest is running right now - hope you watch the live stream with awesome folks and a host in perfect outfit again - lol @roelandp - sorry but perfect as always.

Check the stream here:

SPL RW and Nodes sold out within one day

So back to my "while you....." - apart from Hivefest the folks around of Chief FOMO Officer of the world @aggroed made history, yesterday the Riftwatcher pre-sale was sold out within 100 second - I thought this would go even faster - was a tight one but luckily I got my pre-sales packs. I spent nearly 200,000 SPS within the last 24 hours, so a bit of an investment (hence the leofinance tag haha) I am sure will pay off moving forward.

In addition tranche 1 of the nodes been sold out as well - luckily I could buy one and with the help of @bubke could get two more before it was sold out.

A Game successful in a bear market

It is pretty sure clar this game is successful because of a great community and not only as Aggy is the perfect FOMO driver - there is value, how can a small token such as SPS overdoe BTC and bucking the trend (ok there been reasons people got to SPS and Vouchers but still......)?

I am pretty confident we will have further fun during the next time - even I admit some things are introduced a bit too fast after another - I got my plans for TD ready and especially looking forwad to GLS - Soccer hey, ideal, perfect and SPS stakers benefit a lot by the coming airdrop.

My season also ended better as the last one maintaining my Top 10 spot in "Wild", season before I was the first loser at spot 11.

How was your last day at @splinterlands guys - everyone happy or frustrated?


Someone said it was bad timing to do this sale whilst people are away at Hivefest. Some people here in Amsterdam still took part. I'm just not spending much on games right now. I like that we have different options to earn and invest.

Bad or good timing always depends on so many factors you can not control - I have to admit probably spending too much on Splinterlands but the trend is pretty promising still.

Enjoy Hivefest, so you pretty often in photos of German fellows and the live stream :-).

Lots of Germans here as usual. I'm having a great time.


Hey @uwelang, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

yeah pretty wild to see 600k+ gems being sold in minutes. The team is delivering on its promises! I hope land gets introduced next

Wow. That’s a lot of sps spent. I believe it will certainly pay out. It’s just a matter of time l. Let’s brawl. Cheers

Wow that's a nice bag of RW packs you have got there.
I'm sure your investment in a good cause as the Splinterlands game will eventually turn no 1 blockchain game soon.
Have a great day..

Yay! 🤗
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