Splinterlands Web3 Game: 6 Years of Value, Inspiration and Reward for Passion

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Celebrating Six Years of Splinterlands

Creating an innovation is hard but sustaining it is harder. The Splinterlands game is one of the greatest and oldest innovations on the Hive Blockchain with a sustained impact on the blockchain and users. Six years is not Six Months. This is worth the celebration 🎉


Over the years, Splinterlands has evolved into more than just a game; it's a platform where creativity, strategy, and passion converge. Players have not only battled for supremacy but have also formed lasting friendships, shared knowledge, and inspired each other to reach new heights. The thrill of battles and the joy of collecting cards, also form a great deal of the fun we enjoy on. Splinterlands ecosystem.

A Journey of Value, Inspiration, and Reward

From its humble beginnings to becoming a thriving community-driven ecosystem, Splinterlands game has consistently delivered value, inspiration, and rewarding experiences for players worldwide. For me, the few years of my engagement with the game out of the Six years of its existence is best defined as Six years of value, leanings, leadership inspiration, and reward for passion.

Many people play games for many reasons. For some, it is just for fun and leisure, for me, SPlinterlands serves beyond fun. I've been able to improve my cognitive, leadership negotiation, and business engagement skills while boosting my creativity. It is rare to find a game that gives all of that in one package and Splinterlands game is one of such that stands out so bright in the web3 gaming space.


1. My Discovery of Splinterlands

I started noticing the Splinterlands game in 2021 when my knowledge of Hive got deeper to the second layer level. My foray into curating content with layer 2 tokens led me to discover the $SPT token. The token was one of the top hive-engine tokens in volume and curation APR. I was interested, I got a handful of the tokens - 50k then and it was beautiful to curate the #splinterlands tag. Curating the splinterlands tag manually led to my learning more about the game. I got to know about the SPS airdrop that was ongoing for SPT holders and it got me interested.

The very first time I logged into the splinterlands.com interface was to withdraw my SPS airdrop which was worth around $100 then. That was a massive reward in addition to my curation returns then. I eventually started writing about developments in the game and community and then started having a peak of battle reports.

2. Duration of Participation

I've been around the SPlinterlands game for the past three years and months. I can say, I am obsessed with investing in assets such as SPS and DEC. I am presently improving my SPT holdings to 500k. This is because I still believe in the future of curation in layer 2. As a player, I've been active for about two years but still at the amateur level. However, I am gradually adding to my deck of cards, especially promotional cards and those with special abilities for my battles.

My SPS Dashboard

My SPT Wallet

3. Time Spent in Splinterlands

For me, I curate during #splinterlands tag daily with my SPT stake. I take out at least 30 minutes of the day to do that so I can read exciting updates too. I play battles every other day, especially so I participate in battle mage secrets. I was a part of a guild until I got ejected. I believe so much in the future of the game, hence, I lurk around Discord to learn the latest developments.

4. Accomplishments

I cherish my compliments in the SPlitnerladns game so far. I have a card deck that is growing in value and composition.

My Card Deck

On gameplay, my skills are improving, and below is a screenshot of my profile to show my growth in the game. Rewards in gameplay are not much. I am doing my best to advance in my strategy to get to higher leagues where I can win more rewards. I think my highest league played is the Silver League III

My Gameplay Profile

5. Upcoming Goals

My aspirations within the SPlinterlands ecosystem are as follows:

  • Stack and stake more SPS to qualify for more airdrops in the future. Besides, I believe a $1 SPS is still possible again.
  • Buy and upgrade more cards.
  • Venture into Lands development
  • Reach SPT stake of 1 million.
  • Aim for higher leagues so I earn more $SPS and Glint points. This I would have to do with mastering new strategies to win battles unhindered.

6. Advice for Beginners

I have been able to enroll a few users in Hive through SPlitnerlands. They enjoy the game and are growing. My advice to those coming in is that they have to learn. Learning is foremost to earning. They should endeavour to build at their own pace and be patient toward the future.

I have played and won a number of battles and reported them. New users can access my battle reports here. I express my experiences in the battles from a versatile perspective, especially as it relates to life, leadership, and business. They can learn from my experiences.


New players can succeed by building well-balanced decks and learning from experienced players. Splinterlands challenges players to think critically and strategically to achieve victory. The tweaks in the game from battle rulesets offer a great shift in the gameplay that makes it more thought-provoking. Here is a report of some battles with intriguing strategy for a win- 1, 2.


The past three years of my active engagement in SPlinterlands have been nothing short of fun, learning, and earning. As we celebrate this 6th-year milestone of innovation, let's not only commemorate the past six years but also look forward to the exciting adventures that lie ahead. With new features, expansions, and innovations on the horizon, Splinterlands remains at the forefront of Web3 gaming, driving inspiration and value for years to come.

Here's to six years of Splinterlands – may the next six be even more extraordinary! 🚀✨

You want to learn more about Splinterlands, SplinterGlossary is a hot reference center for you.


Splinterlands game is termed the "next generation of collectible card games" in which allows players to collect, trade, and battle with provably scarce digital collectibles with real-world value. Battles on Splinterlands Unlike most trading card games, are fast and furious and are usually completed within a few minutes. The Splinterlands gameplay is simple and easy to learn viz: reviewing combat rules, making and submitting the team, and watching the battle unfold.


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Discord: uyobong#5966

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