It is another splinterland weekly battle challenge and am here with my entry, how are you all doing our there, happy new month to you all ( 3rd day is still somehow new) and happy first Sunday of the month to you, I still always remember today suppose to be a Thanksgiving Sunday in church but we have to do it at home because of social distancing, I pray for more blessing this month for all of us.
This weekly battle challenge theme is serpentine spy, one of the fired untamed melee monster card. What steemmonster said about this card
Serpentines are naturally sneaky, but their highly-trained spies can infiltrate even the most secure bases in the Splinterlands. They wear minimal armor, because they are never caught. Retractable miniature spears are the chosen weapon of the Serpentine Spies; they can be hidden easily and brandished quickly for many uses.
I didn't actually have this card and I have to purchase it from Steemmonster market, when I saw the card the health really discourage me from liking it, just 1 health isn't enough because it can be attacked and destory quickly. Or is it only me, I rarely make use of 1 health monster cards unless I level them up. Other things are still ok, the melee attack and the speed is really good and also the ability which is the opportunity ability, this ability allow the card to attack from any position and also attack the enemy monster with the lowest Health, this is really good to use, especially when you have a tank heal or strengthen ability card to support it, they can really work hand in hand.
Let get to the battle
The battle was between me and @jewel-lover in a 38 mana cap battle with double rules which are the weak magic which make magic attack to hit amour first instead of the monster health and also the odd one out rules. The opponent make use of the earth summoner to battle and I decided to go for my dragon summoner, I actually check the opponent previous battle and also the level of the cards she previously use so I can decided which card to use, what I saw didn't allow me to use my fire summoner because it isn't that strong. So I use the following cards

Molten ogre which is a strong fire melee monster card with 3 melee attack, 11 health but 1 speed, also with the demoralize ability which reduce the melee attack of the enemy monster cards. This is one of my strong odd fire monster cards.

Giant Roc which is also a strong fire melee attack with the flying ability and also the reach attack which allow it to always attack from the second position on the team. That is one reason it have to always be in the second position.

Serpentine spy which is the main monster card and have really give the details above, I place it in the 3rd position so as to protect it form the enemy attack. Since it can also attack from any position, it is ok there

Serpentine mystic which is a dragon magic monster card with the affliction ability which prevent enemy card from healing when attacked with this ability

Zalran Efreet is a fire magic card with the life leech ability which allow it to have one increase in health anytime it damage an enemy monster cards health, this ability is really a great one.

Fire beetle which is always at the last position because it is a ranger and all my range monster card always take the last position. This card have this snipe ability which always give it the chance to attack monster cards which are not in the first position.
To my own view this formation is like a protective formation for serpentine spy because it really attacked well but received zero damage in returns, it is really a good/surprising win. The ability is really a good one for the card but only the health can discourage people from making use of it often. Waiting for the next challenge, till then stay safe.
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