Season Rewards & Gladius Pack | 31.12.2021 | 520 Collection Power

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hello. I got the end of season rewards and one Gladius Pack today. Now I want to share with you what these awards are.

Season Rewards - Silver League 3


RarityCard NameElementCollection Power
CommonPelacor BanditWater5
CommonPelacor MercenaryEarth5
Common (Gold)Pelacor DeceiverDeath125
CommonVenari HeatsmithFire5
CommonPelacor DeceiverDeath5
CommonPelacor DeceiverDeath5

I also got one Alchemy Potion, two Legendary Potions, 9 DEC and 28 DEC.

I got 250 collection power in total from the season awards.

These were the rewards I got for finishing the season in the silver 3 league.

Gladius Pack - Brawl Rewards


RarityCard NameElementCollection Power
CommonKrash WanderfordFire10
CommonIsgald VorstWater10
CommonWhistling DamonDeath10

The collection power I got from Gladius Pack is 270.

Thus, I obtained a total of 520 collection power. I see this collection power as a small step towards first reaching 15000 collection power and then 40000 collection power by showing a little patience.

Thank you for reading. I wish everyone good games.