Splinterlands Daily Log / day 11

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Before I began to talk about my Day 11 progress. I want to thank @snarkycat to give me some advice on low mana matches and daily quests.

Some daily quests are frustrating to complete. I could have destroyed my winning ratio just to trying to fulfill the requirement.

Now I have an alternated approach according to this comment.

I completed my daily work before I had a chance to read the comment. Luckily, it wasn't too bad today.


I had about 50/50 winning/losing ratio, which did not drag my own rank too much. It could be better. but it is what it is.

I failed to screenshot my reward today. It was a couple DEC, not much to talk about.

I am going to try to play my matches without daily quest in mind tomorrow. The most important thing is to pursue a higher rank. I could get much more rewards once I establish a higher rank position at the early season.
