Phantom of the Abyss: If you complain about dodging, I dodge more

in Splinterlands2 years ago


How do you feel about ignoring all melee and ranged physical attacks in Splinterlands? Very good isn't it? But I'm sorry to inform you that there is still no way to reach the 100% evasion percentage in this card monster game, but do you know Phantom of the Abyss? He "almost" can make your dream come true, if you're interested, be sure to read the entire post.

Don't worry, no slurs to explain something meaningless, I also hate posts that contain 1000 words about something that sums up to 500

The triumph of Phantom of the Abyss

Hand drawn and painted art by @pewsplosions , you can follow the whole process by reading this post

What to say about this monster from the lake of Azmare? You can check all its attributes and Abilities acquired on the website Splintercards but I warn you that at first it consists of this powerful combination:** high speed, Flying and Dodge skill,** which results in +50% attack dodge chance outside of speed percentage aside, with exceptions that your enemy does not have the True Strike skills or the rule that will benefit you with the same. That's why I still haven't brought up the subject about its magic damage being 3 points (if you use it at a higher level, this post may seem crude to you)

Your performance in the market

Unfortunately for being the letter of an edition that will have no more prints Untamed and its great use it is sold at this moment at a minimum price of $64.50 dollars although its market price is below that, at exactly $42.14 dollars with only 23 cards listed for sale, I don't even want to go into details about their gold version, which is absurd.

For those who only want to rent for 2 days (following the new minimum rental format) you will pay a minimum of DEC 25 to DEC 40 maximum per day, luckily I rented mine early season for only DEC 7 per day. day, blessed am I.


How to use this monster

My preferred tactic is for teams that contain a lot of damage to monsters with *Sneak" attack, while instead of using the Kelya summoner who will add speed and shield to our speedy abyss ghost, I prefer to have +1 damage magic added by Alric to finish immediately and not need the chance to dodge until the end, after all, even if the percentage is high, it doesn't prevent the opponent from getting lucky and containing that giant snake with devastating damage.

Remembering that if your target is in possession of the Void skill even with your attack reaching 4 you will be reduced to 2, so you have to think about whether or not it's worth adding this bonus. Below are some examples I would like to share:

You can watch the entire battle by clicking here

It is noticed that my team is composed of magicians while his has 2 monsters with Opportunity and only 1 Sneak, I confess that I was a little scared as soon as I realized that he had 4 attacks focused on me, since my composition there was only time to eliminate their mage, but the end was simply dodge after dodge.

If you're not convinced just by the text and don't want to waste time watching this battle, fix your eyes on this gif and realize the amount of miss that even a tear flows from my eyes. Unfortunately I lost the other battle against the fire element, I simply ignored 5 out of 7 of their attacks, I'm imagining this monster at its maximum level where it becomes a great "debuff" with the skills Demoralize and Headwinds

I've wondered if Ruler of the Seas wouldn't be a better choice to occupy this position, considering that in a battle I can't use both, his ability Blast with the summoner can greatly reduce the time of battle, although he has less health and if I don't use something that gives me some armor he would become an easy target for Opportunity and Snipe



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Obrigado pelo suporte, !PIZZA

Booyaa that's awesome though... All against, but no harm done🔥🔥
I do phantom of the abyss❤️

Thanks @queenstarr for taking the time to read my post, have a great day.


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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

One of the cards of magic water element.

Thanks for using my sketch! :D I loved using Phantom of the Abyss when I had him. Won me many games, especially in lower leagues. He is actually especially good in the back position with a magical tank up front if you aren't sure what kind of damage your opponent is bringing and the mana will allow it. Since most sneak monsters are melee, being in the last position almost entire negates their team if they go that route. And if they go magic damage you still have a decent attacker while they go through the magic tank. And if they bring general physical attacks and manage to get through to him he can still win the whole game from the first position too.

Really fun card.

Good tactics. Powerful card. Sharing this

Thanks to share bro, take this !PIZZA