Showing how Llama Mage is simply badass on any monster Splinterlands

in Splinterlands2 years ago


The Llama Mage + Kron combo is well known among players and widely used when it is possible in the earth element, however with this high search for this composition the market ends up being affected with the increase in the prices of the respective cards, it is not novelty since it's hard for you to be defeated with this team of monsters, but what if we tried to switch to the economy side and just use the summoner with other types of monsters? So I tested it with two melee monsters with different abilities:


I already created a post containing details about this monster, but recently a more detailed post was created that you can check here: Tips: #23 Absurd Damage to your Front-Line | Analyzing the letter : Grund (PT-BR) by: @carlinhusss

The main focus of this card is to use its great damage capable of eliminating monsters immediately with its Double Strike ability, its only weak point may be its high amount of mana required with the lack of any armor to be used in the first position, but with some rules that allow melee monsters to attack from any position makes it a wise choice, even more at its level 4 doing 8 damage per turn, but if you eliminate the target it will still do +4 to the next monster

It is part of the Chaos Legion edition which allows it to be used both in Wild/Modern battles

Pelacor Mercenary

The next monster card I tested was Pelacor Mercenary, but in its Gold Foil version, not necessarily that you can't use it in its normal version as long as it's at the level that acquires more attack points to benefit from it. The summoner's stat bonuses, in contrast to the Grund's high damage, Pelacor manages to survive better on the front line thanks to its armor, speed and the Flying skill making it a good candidate for this focus.

Nor will I raise the issue that after level 6 he gets the ability to heal himself with 9 health, which would give him 3 healing per turn without the buff, and double that with the buff.

Even though it's from the Rewards edition, it's part of the new collection that can be played in Wild/Modern, and you can easily get it at regular high level or Gold Foil as it's still being distributed through reward chests

Currently the Scared Llama Mage summoner is at 45 DEC per day, but the highest offer BID for rent is at 29, so I could have rented it for a lower price if I was patient, but I wanted to create I immediately made this post with this subject and I ended up accepting this price, (I already took advantage of it and left Kron for needs to increase my rating quickly).

My first objective was just for my entertainment and something might happen that could be reported, I'm glad it was the second option and I can share with you my progress with these two letters.

Llama + Grund


The enemy started with two good earth element tanks, Micelyc Infantry and Venari Knifer without the support attributes I would easily be defeated, with the increase in attributes I reached 5 attack with 5 speed, which helped me to dodge the first attacks, taking away my high amount of health at the moment reaching 18 exact points.

Although I had reduced damage due to the Shield ability, the 3 attacks in a row weren't giving the tank any chance, if it was bad for your first wall, imagine for the next one that was without armor? I won the battle, you can watch it here:

Llama + Pelacor Mercenary


Like Grund, Pelacor got 5 in attack, without the possibility of Double Strike but with good dodge and armor.
Maybe in this battle if he had also used *Micelyc Infantry or any other monster with Shield he might have had a chance to do well, but using the magic monsters was also almost good.

The problem here was that my armor was wasted as it arrived with a magic composition, but my luck was that he didn't have armor either, this allowed me to get to his last monster with only 1 life remaining guaranteeing me victory.
Watch this battle here:

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Thanks for the mention, my content may not be the best, but it's good to know that even simple, it can help people. And great battle! Congratulations!

obrigado, sua postagem estava ótima

Great Post! Llama + Kron is a classic, but the summoner is strong with any high mana Monster with interesting abilities (like Flying or Heal).


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sim, eu gostaria de testar ele com alguns monstros do Gladius com a habilidade Bloodlust*, talvez seja interessante

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Excellent post testing out monsters with the Llama sommoner! Try the Goblin Psychic with Llama, it also works with low mana battles.

UPVOTED. @thgaming will be arriving soon 🌕


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