Gem Meteor (Epic Neutral Splinterlands card) giveaway (2022.04.03)

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)


Today I decided to do a quite unusual Splinterlands card giveaway. As you can see above, this is an Epic Neutral monster. Currently there are 20 262 cards in circulation from this card.

This monster has the "Scattershot" ability, which means that this monster's attacks hit a random enemy target. This ability is probably rare. At least in the Bronze and in the Silver leagues. I have not even saw it in the enemy teams so far.

This card gives you 100 collection power (CP), and this card is currently worth $0.71 USD.

Because this card is Neutral, you can use it with any summoner.

Rules to participate in this giveaway:

  • Upvote and reblog is not necessary, but highly appreciated. I will transfer every liquid reward from this post to HBD savings. I am saving money to be able to buy and live in a used SUV.
  • All you have to do is to write a comment.
  • Calling the tipping bots (Pizza, Luv, Lolz, etc.) in the comments are welcomed, and also highly appreciated. Every little helps towards my goal.
  • I will use the Random Name Picker to choose the winner of this giveaway.
  • The winner will be announced after the payout of this post.

Thank you for participating in this giveaway, and also thank you for the help and the support, if you help and support me to reach my goal. Thank you so much.

Good luck and have fun.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!

IGN: @luizeba

!Gif pizza party

I like !PIZZA.

Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck and have fun.

please count me in, thank you!
!gif coin rain

It is raining money. Haha. 😂


Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck and have fun.

Where does an 800 pound gorilla sleep?
Wherever he wants.

Credit: reddit
@dubble, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @xplosive
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)

count me in
IGN: @amaillo-m
!Gif dancing-8bits

I !LUV 8-bit graphics.

Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck and have fun.

Cheers for the comp


!gif BEER party

I currently do not have beer, but I have some !PIZZA. Haha. 😂


Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck and have fun.

What's a spy's favourite confectionery?

Credit: reddit
@instamental, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @xplosive
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)

Thanks mate Have an upvote and some !PIZZA :)

nice giveaway, count me in please!

Thank you for participating in this giveaway. And also thank you for the Pizza.

Good luck.



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
postapocgamer tipped xplosive (x1)
diochen tipped xplosive (x1)
xplosive tipped instamental (x1)
lordanquek tipped xplosive (x1)
@instamental(1/5) tipped @xplosive (x1)
xplosive tipped luizeba (x1)
white-walker-13 tipped xplosive (x1)

Join us in Discord!

Gem meteor is kind of cool i think. A gold one would be sweet.


Why was the resistor fired from his job of leading the orchestra?
He was a terrible conductor.

Credit: reddit
@xplosive, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @captainquack22
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)

Let us hope that we will win a gold foil Gem Meteor one day. Haha. 😂


Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck.

Can't live with it can't live meow it.

Credit: reddit
@captainquack22, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @xplosive
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)

Count me in please,

Very generous giveaway, count me in!

Feel free to check out my giveaway as well. :)

Very generous giveaway, count me in!

Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck.

Feel free to check out my giveaway as well. :)

I upvoted, reblogged and I wrote a comment under your recent (Venari Seedsmith) giveaway: Force Of Nature - Earth Guide + Giveaway.

Thanks for the giveaway bro! Count me in!


It’s very nice to giveaway an epic card! :)

Nowadays I rarely do this. At least I rarely done this so far. I do not even remember doing it so far, but probably I did it once or twice. Or a few times. I do not know. Maybe I will do it more often in the near future. I am happy to see that people are interested in it.

Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck.

Wow an Epic card! Gonna have to try my luck! Hehe! Thanks for doing this giveaway! @relf87

Probably I will do more Epic card giveaways in the near future. I see that people are very happy and very excited about it. Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck.

I don't have this card so I would like to participate.


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Thank you for participating in this giveaway. And also thank you for the Wine.

Good luck.


Count me in ^^ @subidu

count me in, please.

please add me, thanks. @diochen

This is quite cool from you, hope you get to buy your SUV soon.

Thank you for the support. And also thank you for participating in the giveaway. Good luck.

You are welcome buddy

count me in yhanks

Thanks for the giveaway!

here I am

Good to see you again. Thank you for participating in this giveaway. Good luck.

Please count me in! @lordanquek !PIZZA

Count me in

Thanks in advance! @seeweed

Count me in please!