Today I received an Uraeus for the daily quest reward (2021.12.30)

in Splinterlands2 years ago

This is the first time I receive this card.


Currently there are 71 036 cards in circulation from this card. And the game says that this card is Epic. But actually nothing special. Low health, low armor, low attack, low speed with the sneak ability.


My total Splinterlands card collection is currently consist of 171 cards, and it is currently worth $497.47 USD. I do not even want to look at it. It fell from more than $900 USD in the recent past.



This is one of my filler cards when I have a sneak quest. Overall with it's armor, it can survive an extra hit so it isn't that bad.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. For a common card. But this card is "Epic". I do not see what is so "Epic" about it.

While the stats aren't that high, I still think the extra armor is a plus compared to other level 1 cards. Anything that makes that daily quest go by a bit faster is appreciated in any case.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is certain. Good luck and have fun.