Splinterlands Continue's to Rock my World!

in Splinterlandslast month



My Accomplishments in Splinterlands:


I've had fun playing this game in the play2earn universe. I've used a portion of my profits and revenues to buy Nft's splinterlands for the ecosystem of splinterlands. Despite the fact that playing games is enjoyable, there are really quite a few ways to make money from being a good player in splinterlands specially in Modern Format earnings SPS. This money may be exchanged for cash using a cryptocurrency exchange. However, I'm now using the funds to improve my account so that when I participate in Tournaments in the near future, I'll be better and more competitive in battle. Matches and tournaments are entertaining ways to learn, and they're also an excellent method to get money if you're the best player in the game.

There's still plenty of conflict event here is splinterlands, so I have 12 opportunities to achieve something nice, but my odds of getting an airdrop are slim. I wish I had more opportunities or luck to join the renowned airdrop. I wish everyone the best of luck. In a few days, your airdrop will arrive, so make sure to stake your rebellion cards and parade those wagons. The Exciting part is the new Legendary Summoner that is coming to shake the world of splinterlands.


One of the world's most unforgettable events is the giveaway from Splinterlands TV. That was a lot of fun since you could learn a lot by watching competitors play their games and obtain freebies, some of which were really costly cards that were exciting to win. I tried my best to win some cards, but it was difficult. The streams are being watched and played with by players and Twitch players. Sometimes I have to compete with them in order to figure out how to beat them. The condition of events otherwise depends on the schedule streamer then some Streamers who challenge viewers to win might stand a possibility of winning according to their game rules. similar to winning a random card and a pack of chaos legion. In order to keep us entertained, streamers also play duck race. If you can win, you'll receive splinter cards.

Objective & Goals


There have been several upgrades in Splinterlands already. I need to concentrate on getting Glints in the game for the time being. It takes a lot of effort and time, but I want to have a title attached to my name. In an effort to conserve money, I'm also purchasing some packs for my deck. I also want to purchase new cards from Rebellion in addition to the existing rewards and riftwatcher cards, but for the time being, I need to reevaluate what set of cards and combinations I need to utilize because my Chaos legion cards are still insufficient to compete in the diamond and champion leagues.


I'm not sure if there will be a league cap on the upcoming update. as everyone is experiencing max level cards to battle their way to the top of the league following the game's revamp. The goal is to offer a chance to develop all of your max level cards so that you may play at the highest level possible. There are no restrictions on how many max level cards bronze and silver players can use, so if you don't have them, you will fall behind.


This is my latest cards purchase from the Event in Bitcoin Halving, ist sound so good to have a dual element legendary magic card the Baron Fyatt.

Side Story :

The Chaos Empire's Lord High Treasurer, Baron Fyatt, sees fit to put a stop to the out-of-control revolt. He advocates imposing a 50% tax on all sales, income, and net worth.

It is essential to melt down and reminted taxes collected in national currencies into Chaos marks. The value of coins such as the Gloridax auro and the Anumian crown will decrease when fewer of them are in circulation. The minor rebellion will quickly come to an end because the rebels and those who support them will not be able to support it. People will call the baron a Hero & a Genius.


Join the game with my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=xykorlz
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

thank you