Splinterlands Tournament Battle : The Cost is Free

in Splinterlands11 months ago



I'd like to share my experience this past week participating in a Free Entry Splinterlands Tournament. I was unable to pay any money to participate in this type of tournament, but what I like about it is that it's a ghost card tournament, which allows you to use the card for free at its highest level in a specific league. I will talk about my experience and have difficulty with it; perhaps you didn't know about it. The next time, check your tournament schedule so you can sign up; as long as you can see the free entry sign, you will be able to play without paying any money at all, and you can earn SPs when you can get a top spot that qualifies for SPs.

Splinterlands: Ladder of trials Silver


For both experienced players and newcomers, check out this event, which you may join without buying or renting anything at all. In this kind of game, it's all about exhibiting your skills and talent.


I was guaranteed seven Sps and earned the 103rd rank in the silver league with 11 wins and 10 losses. I believe that's incredible since I gave it my all to take on stronger opponents and won some of them. I am aware that winning is challenging, but I was persistent and determined. Around 517 people joined, which is a sufficient number of players to fight and play for the top spot.

Final Round

Xykorlz Vs Cryptoreaper

Fighting Cryptoreaper in this match, I summoned Lily Shieldpaw while he summoned Quix the Devious.

  • I was able to execute my approach and tactics properly, which is why I was able to defeat my opponent even though he had one strong card in his hand. In this match, the Lily Shieldpaw was able to use its powerful ability camouflage, and my adversary sneaks attackers and opportunistically could not attack my backline and rear lines, keeping my Adelaide Brightwing safe from disaster.

Ghostlybg Vs Xykorlz

I recognized Ghostlybg because I frequently tuned into Splinterlands TV and because we both employ the earth element and the same obsidian summoner in this battle.

  • Due to the earthquake regulations, this combat tends to favor flying skills. Since return fire damage makes it difficult to choose ranged attackers, it is safer to play magic with flying abilities in order to protect against additional damage from the battle conditions. I am able to survive this conflict thanks to my Pelacor mercenary's durability in defending my Regal Peryton in the last round.

Bagan-RO Vs Xykorlz

Water and earth elements are in confrontation. I increased the power of the stampede using Possibilus the Wise, whereas my opponent employed Earth Element, which could summon Gladius Cards.

  • Posibilus the Wise's dominating Reach and Stampede abilities made this one of my favorite matches, and the all-melee assault was great for my summoner's added damage thanks to the double strike produced by Coastal Entry. Even Quora Towershead and its Runi, one of his primary damage dealers, were rendered ineffective toward the end of the battle due to the combo I used.

My Video Battles

Summary Of My Performance In This Tournament, These 3 Battles Stand Out Because I Wanted To Showcase My Talent Fighting And Battling Stronger Enemies. I hope you enjoy seeing what went wrong and the best approach to take in the upcoming game, or perhaps it was just a simple battle and predictions.


Splinterlands: Ladder of Trials Gold


Upgrading to the next challenge

The only difference between this challenge and the free entry tournament is the level of skills you should possess and your comprehension of the seriousness of the situation. Gold leagues are particularly difficult to battle because the opponent you are playing is at the maximum level cap for gold. Although I am familiar with the skill and ability, the entire deck of cards, and my battle strategy, it is my first time handling the maximum cards on its particular leagues, which is why it has been extremely challenging.


This challenge is really tricky, so I'll show you the three battles that I was able to catch and win. Look what I've done to myself by participating in it. I ended up landing in position 436 with only three wins and eight losses. I don't care about any losses since they appear weird; simply glance at my victories.

Lily Vs Kitty

The Explosive Weaponry and Super Sneak are one that terrifies me, which is why I am fully backed up with employing the strength of Lily Shieldpaw's camouflage and triage abilities in this very lengthy and action-packed encounter.

  • We both utilize level 3 summoners, however even while Kitty Byzantine is rather strong in high-level battles, I came out on top because he only got that tank to heal while I had my triage and camouflage. Although the struggle is drawn out, I am the one who prevails. outwitted the cat thanks to my cute little pandas.

Ilthain Vs Yodin Zaku

I didn't expect my opponent to utilize Yodin Zaku, but I'm still determined to use Ilthain for the return damage abilities even if I have no idea what they'll be using. In the event I'm lucky, my opponent is going to be certain to use Yodin Zaku in this challenge.

  • Yodin Zaku is one of the most powerful summoners, but when it comes to skills that deal damage in return, Yodin is vulnerable to its powerful assault and blast. I was able to quickly destroy Yodin's Zaku capabilities thanks to Ilthain since she continued to be strong and versatile.

Ilthain Vs Kelya Frendul

In this challenge, I'm employing Ilthain in order to use its ability plus 1 speed and return fire. This amplification suits the fighting conditions well, and distant attackers would make my opponent regret positioning here in this battle.

  • My Ilthain remains powerful because of the battle condition, which was present in the most recent conflict the return fire ability. However, My opponent Kelya's speed and armor make it a stronger foe. Time Medller as my tank struggles to protect and safeguard my backlines. In spite of the damage, my Time Meddler stand held up to everyone until the finish of the contest, and I prevailed.

Gold Tournament

This battle film, which I made to show off my triumphs, features three of them. I hope you enjoy it.


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