How to introduce splinterlands trending game to friends || my last days game earnings

in Splinterlandslast year (edited)

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Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

Splinterlanda's season has ended and I have tried to win the best Focus chests reward in all the rank battles that I have played this season. I unboxed these season chests and got a total of $1.438 worth of rewards which are detailed below.

I received five NFT monsters cards which are described as Imperial Knight , Wily Coyotian , Madcap Magus , Dumacke Orc and Ferox Defender level 3 , these above mentioned cards ,I got in the end of the season , I am happy to win these NFT because I know that in future The value of the every card will increase a lot and I can improve my collections with these cards.

Apparently, all these cards are of zero value in terms of market value, but since the cards will be listed on splinterlands market, they will prove to be very beneficial and profitable. Apart from these NFT cards I got 16.21 SPS coin at season end which is also a huge amount.

If SPS coin reach its highest price again, these sixteen dollars worth of sps coin will be $16 value in the future, besides I got 23 gold charge potion and five legendary potion. I got 142 Merit coin in this season and I can buy Gladius case pack by paying these merit and thus every reward in season reward helps to build a great collection.

End of Season Reward



Ever since I started playing splinterlands game till date I have won hundreds of dollars worth of prizes from season reward and daily focus chest and that is why my splinterlands account has become a handsome account today.

My splinterlands account is currently worth $1,067 while I started the splinterlands account with an investment of ten dollars. Currently, splinterlands market and over all cryptocurrency market is suffering from crash and even in this crash the value of splinterlands account is more than 1000 dollars,

so it means that my investment of splinterlands is in thousand times profit even now. I have received a reward of more than three dollars through the daily focus chest yesterday.


Yesterday's daily focus chest reward was awesome because I really want to win a choas legion pack at least weekly or at the end of the season, so yesterday I got a chaos legion pack from the daily focus chest.

The price of chaos legion pack was four dollars at the time of sale in splinterlands market, but now this sale has ended and at this time the price of one chaos legion pack in the market is around three dollars. I won a pack yesterday through daily focus chest And got 0.26 sps coin the total reward value is currently $3.060 in splinterlands market.

But another important thing here is that the pack is still closed and when I unbox this pack, more than hundred dollars worth of NFT cards may come out of it, but this is all a matter of luck and a dollar or even half , Value cards may come out but when I opened this pack I got these nft cards.


The truth is that when luck is with you, a person accomplishes the greatest feats. When I was unboxing the chaos legion pack, my heart was saying that I will definitely win a level 2 summoner from this chaos legion pack today,

but my pack value was worth three dollars in the market but after unboxing the pack Of the cards I got $ 0.15% worth of NFT cards which can be said to be a result of very bad luck but I think that every card should be unboxed with at least worth of its price that are in market so nft cards reward should be equal to the value of that card.

Splinterlands players can unbox the cards pack and get nft equal to their original value and I think $0.15 worth of cards coming out of the chaos legion pack is a huge loss but this is a game and it's a matter of luck.

It is also true that if a splinterlands player buys any pack from the market for the purpose of getting some good reward, many splinterlands players will invest their money. It will be used to buy the pack and thus the value of the packs can be increased. But it is also true that getting $0.15 worth of NFT from a pack worth $3 is a huge loss but then it comes down to luck.


I try to play rank battles on a daily basis and I try to keep my splinterlands account in use because if you are a splinterlands player and you can't find time to play the splinterlands game then I would say you should use it daily but if you have no time then you should Give splinterlands account to a friend to play so that he will continue to give you profit by playing splinterlands game and if you keep your splinterlands account unused then it will neither benefit you nor anyone else.

There are many new and old splinterlands users who can't play splinterlands game for one month and thus they don't get any benefit so I honestly say you should rent your splinterlands account or give it to a friend. Any profits from the end of season or daily focus chest will be shared, thus your friend will also learn how to play splinterlands game and he will be able to earn some money to buy future or invest in his splinterlands account.

Because there are many hive bloggers who want to play splinterlands game but they don't know anything about the game, so all those splinterlanda players who are not able to give time to splinterlands game, then they give splinterlands account to all such hive bloggers splinterlands account on 50% or 30% profit to play on and we can create trend of splinterlands community in new user to play splinterlands.

My whole family and I love to play splinterlands and my son surpasses me in creating splinterlands battle lineup. But now he is eight years old and I want him to learn splinterlands game with me now and when he reaches puberty I will register his splinterlands and hive account separately for him.

I hope you found my splinterlanda content today quality and informative. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my article. All information given in this article is original and you can verify my splinterlands profile wallet record by clicking on this link.


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I'm Yousaf ,my profession is teaching, writing, i love food, travelling,photography and splinterlands gaming, and sportstalks and 3speak very much. i am using hive since 2017.

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