Victory in battle under Ferocity rules || Weekly Splinterlands Battle Challenge


i am back with my Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge post. weekly battle challenge event is on. when i saw ruleset of the week , i got very much worry becasue i could not understand the rule very well becasue i did not win or could not understand the ruleset completly but now i got much information about this ruleset.

this week Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge RULESET is Ferocity.i personally got experience that in this ruleset melee and ranged attack cards are best to use in lineup. i also prefere magic attacker card too in this ruleset. i tried to place melee attacker cards in this battle. my plan worked very well. my this battle was consist of 33 mana . i chosed total five cards in lineup. if you are new and want to get more complete information about this week battle challenge rules then you can check this official account link post .Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

i selected GENERAL SLOAN as Summoner .it is RARE Summoner from Life unit. i have gold level 2 GENERAL SLOAN. i placed gold level 2 GENERAL SLOAN in the battle. its price in splinterlands market is $ 1.99. it has one of the best ability for range attacker cards. this summoner give +1 ranged attack to all its friendly monster. so as i said that range and melee attacker are best choice in line so i placed all range attacker cards in the linupe to get +1 power from the summoner under Ferocity ruleset. its mana cost is total 4 mana. i also like this monster very much.

WAR PEGASUS is my brave card. i gave her frontline to fight against the opponent is look verybeautiful if we look at this card image in lore profile its look like horse that has beautiful golden wings for flying.its wing yellow and blue color make it more dangerous beauty for of the best ability of the card is that if any non flying card attack on it, it has ability to evade the attack of the also has the ability of shatter. it has two melee attack power but i had used summoner that helped it to increase +1 range attack that made it more strong attacker. i have 21 level 1 War Pegasus card in my collection. i will combine them to increase their level in future. in this battle my this card fought very bravery at the frontline.

VENARI MARKSRAT is my second card that i placed at second place in the lineup. Venari look like monkey and has arrow bow in hand and wearing green dress. it is melee attacker card. its mana cost is only 3 mana that is the reason i selected it in the lineup. it has martyr ability and when this card died then all adajcent cards get +1 to all stats. in this battle Venari Marksrat fought very well. it gave tough time to its opponent.its attack were perfect to opponent lineup. here i will say that melee card was best choice in this ruleset .

i placed ANACHRON BOLTER at fourth place. i am not owner of this card but i got opportunity from splinterlands to use it. but i have great wish to buy it soon from the market . it is best card . i want to add it in my splinterlands card collection. its market price level 1 card is around 1,031.13 DEC . i have 1,878 DEC in my game wallet. i have ability to buy it. reason of selecting it for this battle was only this that it has heatwinds ability . in heatwinds ability ,this card has ability to reduce the range attack -1 of all opponent lineup. i thought that Ferocity ruleset always support melee attack card so there are 100% chances that my opponent will use melee attacker card so ANACHRON BOLTER is best card to place in lineup. second big reason was this that i has dobule attack ability in a round. it has magic and range both attack . he also attack with magic and melee in every round so this strong attacking power make it one of the best card. ANACHRON BOLTER played very well and played vital role to win the battle.

it is very much hard for every splinterlands player for selecting last two card in the battle. my plan was that i would use melee attack all my lineup. and i full filled my this lineup with melee attacker card. i placed double strike PELACOR ARBALEST at fourth position . it is one of the best strong melee attacker card. it has ability to destroy the all level lineup of opponent. its double melee attack demaged very badly to its opponent.its mana cost is 6 but health is weak. but if we protect it from opponent attack then PELACOR ARBALEST has ability to destroy the half lineup of the opponent in first three round. i placed VENARI CRYSTALSMITH at the last place. it is also a melee attacker card. its ability of tank heal make its very much unique and best melee attacker card. i like this card becasue of its tank heal ability. i used it in the battle at last place.







in round 1, my monsters destroyed the frontline of the opponent and it was great demage of my opponent. in round my all cards were protectd . but in second round , i again destroyed the second lineup of my opponent. in start of round 3, my opponent lineup destroyed my frontline but in return my lineup also destroyed the third lineup of my opponent . round three was very much hard round for both lineup but my lineup was superb from all aspect. i am feeling proud that i have the best melee attacker cards that i can use to any ruleset that will support me to get victory. i alwas say that any splinterlands player can defeat any level team, if he/she learn the splinterlands rules and have great cards collection. i will say in this post that play daily rank battle and earn from the battle reward and then reinvest your reward. now i am investing my splinterlands challenge reward every week to buy the sps coin. hope you will enjoy my this battle post

for watching this battle on splinterlands blockchain then click on this battle link .

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I entered Champion III as soon as I saw the possibility to fight my way to the higher level.
My adventure in Champion did not last 24 hours
It is a powerful lineup.
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Happy season

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