RAIN πŸŒ§οΈβ˜” VS SUN πŸ”†πŸŒž

in Ecency Support β€’ 9 months ago

I hope you all are fit and fine so today share a rain πŸŒ§οΈβ˜” VS sun β˜€οΈπŸŒž.

Rainy β˜” days are my favorite. There's something magical about the pitter-patter of raindrops on the windowpane, creating a soothing melody that lulls the world into a gentle rhythm.
The earth 🌍 eagerly drinks in the life-giving water, refreshing the landscape with vibrant shades of green. Rain β˜” cleanses the air, leaving it crisp and invigorating.

It's a perfect excuse to cozy up indoors with a good book, πŸ“– a steaming cup of tea, or a warm blanket.
The sound of rain outside provides a sense of comfort and tranquility that's hard to replicate.
It's a time to reflect, to relax, and to let go of the daily hustle and bustle.

Rainy β˜” days also inspire creativity. They beckon us to put pen to paper, paintbrush to canvas, or simply daydream as we watch raindrops race down the glass.
There's a sense of renewal in the air, as if the world 🌍 is taking a deep breath and starting anew.

In those moments, I find solace and inspiration in the rain β˜”, making it my favorite weather by far.

The sun β˜€οΈ is a radiant ball 🏈of fiery energy, The heart ❀️ of our solar system.Its bathes our world in wormth and light 🚨,giving life to all linving things .Its daily rise and fall 🍁 mark the rhythm of ours days , A constant source of beauty πŸ’•and vitality.

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Almost everyone prefer rain.

Now I am looking for reasons to prefer sun more to go against the crowd.
But I have already made an entry.

Nice write dear.


You are welcome dear

Rain melody is really something magical