Time for school?

in Ecency Supportlast month

"Od kolevke pa do groba najlepše je đačko doba; blago onom ko to ume, đačko doba da razume."
(From the cradle to the grave, the school age is the most beautiful; blessing to the one who knows how, student age to understand.)
This is how Branko Radičevič, a famous Serbian poet (1824-1853), sang of his love for school in the first half of the 19th century...

With a quote from this song, I'll start the post with my thoughts on "Homeschooling vs Traditional schooling", given to us by @ecency-star


A few months before the corona virus pandemic hit us, in the middle of 2019, a colleague from work took the topic: "Working from home, pros and cons" as the final thesis of her MBA studies.

Her enthusiasm about the possibility of working from home fascinated her...
It was a "discovery", which, as she said at the time, brings great value to the employee....
Corona has come.
Working from home was not a matter of choice, but of necessity and obligation.
First month, second month, third...
The isolation and estrangement of her colleagues took her thinking about working from home to the totally opposite side.
From the phenomenal opportunity that working from home makes, it has become an abominable obligation...
"Well, we are social beings, we need to meet people, chat outside of online applications, laugh, hang out, drink coffee... I'm a woman, I need to do my hair, my make-up, to look nice I will wear it and be like that among people...".


Education that includes upbringing is the need of every human being.
It leads to a change in personality in a certain direction, mainly developmental, in order to fit into society and acquire the knowledge and values ​​of previous generations.
Nowadays, all kinds of online learning courses are aoffered, but from my example (learning in older years ), it works much more effectively for me when we learn in a classroom, a place that is intended for learning, and not in the dining room of my apartment (where I have lunch) or the living room ( where we hang out and watch TV...).

Education in any form is better than no education at all...
I am not in favor of education from home, unless the learner has the possibility to get to it in another way than "from home".
I'm thinking here primarily of children, who need to get a basic education and preschoolers, I'm not thinking of us elders who are constantly improving ourselves...

Small children who live in rural areas, where there are no schools nearby, or those children who are limited in movement (sick, immobile), should certainly be educated, even if it is from home.
But healthy children who have schools near where they live, children who are healthy, they should be educated in schools.
In those schools, they should learn how to be social beings, to make friends, to build empathy...
If they are educated from home, there is a possibility that they will remain "trapped" in their world, under a glass bell, unprepared for the life that awaits them outside.

I often hear examples of people from the "Upper Class", who, for reasons of dissatisfaction with the quality of school institutions in the cities where they live, decide to hold their children to home education, but by doing so condemn the child to a childhood without friends and play.
It is not the year 1890, so that the child of a Lord, Count or Duke should be educated at home, so that, thus isolated from the rest of the children of his generation, he would later become a hardened Milord.
This is not the case today, in the world as it is, a young man cannot be restrained and will not fare well if he looks down on the people around him...

I support home education only as additional education, and children should be sent to school, as preparation for the life ahead of them.
They grow up in today's modern but cruel world, their childhood is not and cannot be naive and innocent like the childhood of his parents, today the child must learn to be strong (to jump over all the obstacles that the time ahead will throw at his feet).
And where better to learn that, among his peers, in schools or when he's playing or just hanging out with his peers, coming home from school...

I cannot claim (and it is probably not true) that a child who goes to school and plays with his peers in preschool and school years will receive a better upbringing and education than one who would receive education at home (it is very likely totally the other way around), but the fact is that such a child, who does not build relationships with his generation, will later be misunderstood and ostracized from that same society...

As they say in the crypto world, this is just my opinion and is not pedagogical advice 🙂


I will share with you a song about school that we used to sing when we were children.
According to the lyrics of this song, it seems that we children loved school and missed it when we weren't there?
I don't know what it will look like translated into English, but I will still quote it sometimes 🙂

And the school is nice

  • Ljubivoje Ršumović

"And the school is nice
Heals laziness and loneliness
It's like the house is my hometown
Too bad it doesn't work at night.

When I'm not at my school
My soul hurts me
There is no such company
Let's share snacks.

And the school is great
Pair by pair in the benches
Every whisper every secret
He creates a new love.

When I'm not at my school
My soul hurts me
There is no one with a braid
Which I don't give to anyone."


I have so many memories from school, so many things I learned from outside the subject calendar that I would not trade for homeschooling. Homeschooling should just be additional education, as you put it.

There's other areas of a child's life that needs growth and developments outside the subjects thought. And homeschooling doesn't offer those, so well.


I found a great gif 😀 enough to explain this topic...
A child/man develops, learns and grows within the framework of the space in which he moves and the limits of his mind that he has not crossed.
When it is in a closed space, like this cat in a jar, it cannot continue to develop and grow, it suffocates itself...
It's the same with education at home, when a child doesn't have excessive contact with the outside world, he develops limitedly...
In a super show, on #HHHLive, the last two episodes have been about comfort zones, both, in personal life and here at the Hive.
You have to cross the border, and this is best learned by children, who do not spend their childhood in home conditions, but in school, in the actual real world.

I love that song! Is there any way to listen to it?

Only because of you, I looked for this song on YouTube and heard my favorite presenter from childhood, Branko Kockica, perform it. My wife asks me, what am I listening to, why did I become a child😂😂