My Name~My Personality

in Ecency Support2 months ago


Hello, beautiful people of the ecency support community, it's been a while since I participated in the weekly prompt contest due to some reasons, but I am back now better and stronger.

Just yesterday while I was scrolling through Facebook, I saw someone's post asking about the meaning of our names and I decided to participate in the fun, because what is Friday without some fun, I mean yesterday I was going through an emotional phase which usually happens on days I attend burials, regardless of whether I know the person or not. I am always an emotional wreck when I am in a burial ceremony seeing people cry for the loss of their loved ones, takes me back to memory lane.

So, when I saw the post on Facebook, in my state, I decided to join in the fun, and in the evening when I came across this week's community prompt, I remembered the one I did in the morning and found it funny and strange at the same time and I decided that I would make sure to be a part of the prompt.


So, yeah, back to the prompt of this week;

The meaning of my name
Tell us about the meaning of your name or the name you like. Do you think that name matches your personality?

Firstly, I have two names, although I do not know what the two names are about or who gave me each of those names and the story behind them giving me two names, but one thing is different from my younger brothers who have one name everybody knows them as and in their certificates, I have two names written in two different certificates and most people either knows me by those two names or one name depending on where we meet and the occasions we met.

As an Akwa Ibomite, I go by the name "EMEM" which means "PEACE", it is a native most native of Akwa Ibom parents tend to bear their children although it is supposed to be a feminine name, but I have come across guys who bear the name too, so I think over time most parents now give their children this name perhaps depending on the situation surrounding their birth, making it, unisex. This name is only used at home by my family and very close friends. It is not my official name, so only those whom I am related to by blood and friends, know this particular name of mine. Peace is explanatory on its own and means what it says, although I am not sure, but I think my mom is the one who gave me this name because she is mostly the one who calls me the name.


This name happens to be my official name and funny how we have a lot of complications when it comes to the spelling of these names because it has different spellings Worse of all, even on my certificate it was wrongly spelled until I noticed it, and went for a change. I don't know who made the mistake, between my father who I feel is the one who named me, and the registrar but then, I felt my dad should have noticed it and brought it to his knowledge.

My second name is "EVELYN" Evelyn is a Norman French name, derived from the French surname Aveline meaning "HAZELNUT" in modern French, and "DESIRED ONE" in ancient Germanic. Evelyn is an English name and it has come to mean, "Desired child, island in the water, life, little bird, beauty, strength and wished for."

It is said that those who beat EVELYN, are intuitive, compassionate, and creative. People named Evelyn are thought to possess a keen sense of empathy enabling them to connect deeply with others on an emotional level, they are compassionate, they are intuitive, creative, independent, determined, and they have innate strength that propels them to pursue their goals relentlessly, undeterred by obstacles and Evelyns are known to be gracious and charming, often drawing people towards them with their warmth and genuine interest in others.

Overall, Evelyn is a name that seems to embody a rare combination of creativity, empathy, and leadership, making those who bear it truly unique. Evelyn's are strong personalities and are determined individuals who are not afraid to stand up for what they believes in. They are confident and independent and have a strong sense of self. They are natural leaders and take charge in a group setting.

Well, I may not be perfect but among 100% of the characteristics embodied in my name, I know I have and embody 70% of those characteristics that come with my name, so I would say a big YES, my name matches my personality and I am proud to bear

This is my entry to [Writing Contest] The meaning of my name

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Welcome back! I am glad to see your post, and glad to learn more about you :)

I had a classmate who bears the name Emem. We bonded instantly and we're known as the calabar girls in school.

It's good to be proud of the names we bear and your name suits you too😊