My Favorite Month Of The Year

in Ecency Support3 months ago

Welcome To My Blog

Hello friends, Happy new week. I wish you an amazing week ahead. It's another weekly prompt of the @ecency star community. Feel free to talk about your favorite month and more about the contest here.


There are 12 months in the year and I would say my favorite month is December although my birthday is March,you would say why I didn't choose March since it's my birthday month but the month of December still got that trophy as my favorite month.

Who doesn't like the fun and celebration that comes in december. The school break, you finally got to travel and meet your family and friends you probably haven't seen in a very long time. You hang out, probably eat the best food and visit people.
In the month of December you see more celebrations like weddings , party. I lost count of the weddings that happened on Saturday last year december.

The preparation for the month of December even starts at the quarter of the because everyone doesn't want to miss out and starts saving for it.
I also love the month because of the weather (Harmattan) and the feeling it brings.

Thank you for reading


December is always a unique month for me because of increased sales but for many because of the festivities.

Yeah mostly tailor and hair dressers make a lot of money they period
Even the market women

Yes, and tailors always get into quarrels because of failing to meet up.

December is one month we all look forward to, it's quite good.

I hope you enjoyed you last December?

December remains the blast.
Its vive can not be matched with any other month

Exactly boss

I think everyone will choose December 🤥 it's a great month and fun to witness month.

It really is buddy

December is also my choice, I agree with all of the reasons you mentioned 👍🏻

Thank you